Wednesday, January 31, 2024

06/01/2023 - "The Batfather" (Lucid)

"The Batfather"

I was Bruce Wayne, in this dream, and the first thing I remember is being attending a seedy, Mafia-style meeting in a penthouse, discussing the political side of crime in the city. Apparently married to Selina Kyle aka Catwoman (as they are, now, in the comics), who was in the meeting with me, she and I had a daughter together, who was waiting for us outside of the building. During the meeting, which seemed to comprise more of the city's gangsters than lawmakers, Selina and I had received a phone call from our daughter, urging us to come downstairs, seemingly due to some kind of emergency. There was an enormous window, on one side of the room, out of which we could see a large gothic cemetery that was directly across the street from the building. Our daughter - probably in her early 20's - was sitting solemnly on top of a grave with her phone in hand. It didn't really look like she was in any danger, so we figured she probably just wanted to talk about something pressing, but we couldn't get her to tell us what it was.

Excusing ourselves from the meeting, momentarily, Selina and I went downstairs to find out what was going on. We were dressed in all black, and walking over to the cemetery felt more like we were attending a funeral than a business meeting. When we got to our daughter, it was obvious that she was just beside herself with grievance, as if she was actually mourning someone buried beneath her. What she told us, though, in the most entitled and melodramatic way possible, was that she was lamenting over some feud with her "social rival," wherein her rival, somehow, taken away our daughter's ability to purchase her favorite bread. It was literally in the context of the other girl having had our daughter's favorite sandwich shop shut down, or something like that, and our daughter was just in the deepest throws of depression about it. At one point, during her overemotional rant, she even started singing some sort of popular emo song, practically in tears, while changing the lyrics on the fly, into an improvised solemn ballad about the loss of her favorite comfort food. (It was actually kind of hilarious, how over the top she was being. Lol). 

 At first, I tried to give her some fatherly advice, about just "letting it go" (and I was genuinely surprised at the sound of my own voice, when I talked to her, because I actually sounded like Kevin Conroy's Batman, instead having a more mundane "Bruce Wayne" voice), but she wasn't trying to hear any of it. Despite my attempts to make her feel better, or more accepting, she simply scoffed, disappointedly, and gave me a sort of "so...what are we going to do about this?" gesture. It was clear, she wanted retribution.

Even though Selina and I thought she was being excessively dramatic...we were not about to let our "little girl" down. We just kind of looked at each other and Selina just shrugged her shoulders, with a grin, and nodded her head as if to say "well...that settles it." As if the grave the younger woman was sitting on was intimately connected to our family, Selina pressed a hidden button on the large, ornate headstone, and a secret compartment opened up before us, revealing a massive cache of high-end firearms and other weaponry. The three of us took a few moments stocking up on enough weapons to invade a town, and making sure our ammunition was fully stocked. I remember having a hard time pulling the slide back on one of my semi-auto handguns. After a bit of effort, I was finally able to chamber around. However, the moment I did, the entire gun just fell apart in my hands, like it was a LEGO model.

Laughing at the frustrating time I was having, Selina cracked a joke about how we were all going to have to "fight naked," if I didn't hurry up and get my gear in order. Just as she said this, as if on cue, a black luxury car came speeding onto the cemetery lawn, from the nearby street. It slid to a stop, not far from us, and a man and woman jumped out of the front seats. It was, apparently, our daughter's rival and her rival's boyfriend, and they were already looking for trouble. Immediately, and with devilishly delighted expressions on their faces, they both took up their own weapons - the young woman wielding machine pistols while the guy dropped down to one knee and held up a full-sized RPG launcher. Wasting no time, he fired the weapon and a single rocket streamed into across the street, almost parallel to us, and slammed into the large upper-floor window of the building we had just come out of, setting off a massive explosion and, presumably, killing everyone attending the meeting inside. The woman, herself, just started firing away at us, with her machine pistols, and the three of us had to dive for cover behind the decorative grave. I was still having no luck in getting my guns in working order, while Selina and our daughter started returning shots of their own.

Feeling the impending danger of having these massive firearm malfunctions, I began to deduce that I might be dreaming, but I wasn't 100% sure, just yet. I took a peek around the side of the grave, that I was using for cover, and saw the man loading another RPG into the launcher and take aim at the window again, apparently attempting to "double-tap" the meeting room with another explosion. Knowing he was too far for me to attack him any other way, and banking on my suspicion that I might be dreaming, I lifted my hand at the moment when he fired the weapon, trying to cause the rocket to veer off-course with telekinesis.

I was both shocked and relieved, when the rocket quickly changed direction and crashed down to a spot on the far end of the cemetery. Immediately, I became lucid without any doubt I was dreaming. With newfound confidence, I jumped up and hopped over the grave, watching the man pull out his own set of sub-machine guns and aim them at me. The last thing I remember from the dream is rushing toward him in a full sprint, holding a hand out in front of me and deflecting his hail of gunfire with more telekinesis and closing the distance between us. I woke up before being able to reach him, though.

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