Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Jason Returns" - 09/01/2006 (Lucid)

"Jason Returns"
Dream #1

Some girl and I were driving down a back-road, somewhere, at night. If I remember correctly, I looked in the rear-view mirror and happened to see Jason Voorhees sitting in the backseat. The second I saw him, he lunged forward and started trying to attack us from behind. I think the girl was driving, because I was trying to fend him off from the front seat, grabbing his arm as he tried to stab us with his knife.

The struggle in the car caused us to slide off the road and crash into the trees that were alongside it. I’m pretty sure we were knocked “unconscious” after the crash, because I remember “coming to” (I use quotations because I’m sure losing consciousness in dreams is illusory) and it being dawn. The first thing I thought about was Jason attacking, so I started looking around for him, immediately. I looked out the window and saw him, strangely, just walking away into the woods, knife in hand, completely ignoring us.

The car was a total wreck, so the girl and I started walking down this road way out in B.F.E. (for those familiar with the term. Haha.) After a few miles, we came to this HUGE plantation-type house, in the middle of nowhere. There were a lot of people living in this house - most of them around our age - and they took us in. We made a lot of friends there.

Nightfall came again and, before I knew it, ol' Jason was back. I first caught a glimpse of him walking across a doorway or something, in some dark, random hall. At first, we were all being the victims, as he was trying to just kill however many of us humans as he could (though, I don’t remember anyone dying).

It was around this time that I realized I was dreaming. I rushed Jason and began attacking the hell out of him with punches and kicks, ducking and dodging the swipes from his knife - basically, kicking his ass all around the room, though he wasn't necessarily taking any damage. I ended off with a nice combination of kicks that set him up near one wall, and finished with a jump kick that sent him flying backward, out of the window of the 5th (or so) floor of this house. Having had my fun, I realized how he seemed to come and go with nightfall, so, I tested a theory and focused on the night sky, using my lucidity to will it into turning to day time. When I looked back out the window, and the now-sunlit yard, Jason was heading off down the road, into the woods again, away from us.

During the day, fading in an out of lucidity, I remember telling people about the previous Jason lucid dream I'd had, and even about the strange coincidence of having the dream before having to take my daughter to her school because she missed the bus, the next day, and her school being named “Crystal Lake.” (Which is the actual name of her school, in waking life, and, of course, the name of the setting of the Jason movies).

After a while, feeling strong lucidity again, and having been doing stuff like looking at my hands throughout the day, (still within the dream) I got tired of going with the flow and decided to have some more fun.

I looked at the sky, outside, and focused again, watching it change as I made the day melt into night, once more. No sooner did the sky grow dark than I saw the large black silhouette roaming through the hallways. He was back, just as I’d expected. I hid behind a doorframe, as Jason came stalking into a room where a bunch of us were (earlier) sitting around and talking. Some of the people started freaking out, and then I came up and rushed Jason from behind, and we started fighting again. I kept kicking his ass and he kept trying to slice me, but I was just too fast for him. Suddenly, the DreamViews Lucid Task of the Month popped into my head, even though the last day for it was yesterday, and I thought about how I wished I’d ripped his heart out, last time I dreamed of fighting him, to complete the task, but didn't. (The task of the month, at the time, was to try to rip someone's heart out - even your own. Then, report back to the forums what happened. We had a good sense of humor about these tasks. Lol.)

So, not wanting the miss the chance - while in the middle of a punch combination - I suddenly stiffened my fingers straight into a knife-handed strike formation and jabbed them deep into his chest, feeling them tear through his soiled leather jacket, his flesh and bone. Inside, I curled my fingers into a fist and yanked them back out.

Buuuuuut (there’s always a “but.”), I found out that he had no heart. When I opened my fist, there was nothing but a strange ball of bright white light. It was like his soul.

I sat there wondering what the hell to do with it. My first impulse was to just eat it (don’t ask me why) but I decided against it, somehow getting the feeling that I didn’t want Jason Voorhees’s soul rattling around inside of me. Call me crazy.

Can’t remember what I did with it, but I remember turning night into day again, so I think it just disappeared along with Jason’s body.

(There was another dream where I was at my house and some of my family was over. I think I started this one lucid. The first thing I remember doing was, while outside in my backyard, making the sun set. Sure enough, Jason appears, having followed me into this dream as well, as I pretty much expected him to. We went at it in the backyard for a little bit, and I’m sure there was more to it than that, but I don’t remember much after this part.)

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