Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Arachnoception" - 11/15/2010 (Lucid + FAs)


(Got a lucid dream for my birthday. Just wish it would have been a more pleasant one. Usually, I will count false awakenings as separate dreams, but since this is all so continuous, and had such a "dreams within dreams" feeling, I will count it as one.

Having just gotten a copy of Inception, I decided to watch it last night, while going to bed, to try to induce something Inception-related. Seems like I got more than I bargained for...)

I can barely remember the early parts of this dream, but I was driving through DeLand, with JH. We were taking the road that passes the landfill, on the way back over to my side of town. For some reason, though, we had to take a detour through the landfill. While driving through it, we apparently stumbled upon some kind of criminal(?) element and were dragged out of the car, at gunpoint. We were taken inside the facility, and the only thing I remember, here, is that I was in what I think was a bathroom, and I got attacked by some sort of creature. It was about the size of a rat, and I believe its body wasn't actually organic. It seemed to be something of a shell, made out of what I think was a child's toy. From within the object, spider-leg-like tendrils protruded, which served as both legs and powerful pincers. It reminded me a lot of the creeping coffins, from "Lords of Shadow" (which I have been playing, lately), except much smaller in size. I had to fight like hell, to keep this thing off of me, but I eventually got away from it. Not much longer after that, the cops showed up and raided the compound, starting a huge firefight. In the fray, we were able to escape, and I vaguely remember a random, small dog being killed, during the fight.

[False Awakening #1]

The next thing I knew, I was waking up, in my bed. It was still night out, and 'Inception' was still playing on my computer. After a moment, I stepped out of bed, and I was immediately ambushed by the "creeping toy" creature, from the previous dream. It came from out of nowhere and ran up my leg, biting and scratching with its pinchers/legs. This thing fought with all the ferocity of a rabid squirrel, and I could not get it off of me. My leg was getting mangled by the little creature, and it hurt like Hell.

[False Awakening #2]

Once again, though, I woke up in my bed. The pest from the dream was nowhere in sight. However, this time, I got out of bed and was met with a dull pain in my leg. Switching on the light, I saw that my leg had bruises in like 6 different places, and it was throbbing. My muscles were progressively tightening, and I could instantly tell that there was venom running through it. I was so confused, though. I knew it had to have been a dream. Right? Hobbling out of bed, I made my way over to my mom's side of the house, surprised to see that she was up this early. My leg was growing worse, when I showed her - dark, black spots showing up, and the skin tightening to where you could start to see the shapes of the tendons. She kind of shrugged it off, and said it would be ok if I just didn't mess with it. More bewildered about the whole thing, than anything else, I just walked back to my room and went back to bed.

[False Awakening #3]

And, once again, I awoke in my bed. The pain in my leg was gone, as was any sign of the bruises. So, naturally, I assumed that it had all just been a dream. But, again, just as I stepped out of bed, I was attacked by the creature from the "previous" dream. It scurried up through my robe and around my back. It never bit me, this time, but its steps were like thousands of thick fingernail jabs, themselves, scrambling all around the upper part of my body. I was able to get a hold of the thing and grab its "legs," holding them open so that they couldn't form the pincers that they had, before. This thing was strong, like a tiny bear trap, but I held the tendrils open, again making my way to show it to my mom. By this time, I didn't know WTF was going on, and I just wanted to know that I wasn't going crazy. On my way out of my room, I passed my pet dog...oblivious to the fact that I don't actually have a pet dog. I did, however, think that it was strange that I recognized the dog as the little dog who'd gotten killed, in the "first" dream. Unfortunately, I already had my hands full, and I didn't stop long enough to realize this as a dream sign. Instead, I took the creature over to my mom's room to show her. She looked down at my hands, then back up at me, then back down at my hands. She said..."that's just dead skin," with a confused look of concern on her face. I looked down, and saw that she was right. I was just holding a handful of what looked like gator hide.

By this time, I thought I'd completely lost my mind. Apparently, my mom did, too. She cocked an eyebrow at me and said "Uhh...I have some pills or something...if you need them?" implying that she was afraid I'd completely cracked. Puzzled beyond all hope, I just turned around and walked back to my room. I kept thinking about 'Inception' and that, maybe, the idea had somehow been planted into my mind that this spider-thing existed, when it really didn't. I just felt really defeated by my lack of understanding of the whole thing, and I just went back to sleep.

The next thing I knew, it was the middle of the day. I was talkin with some guys I was unfamiliar with, whom my mom had let into the house. Throughout the time they were here, we'd gotten into smoking. We pretty much just hung around the house for a while, and I tried telling them about the dreams I'd been having lately - about the crazy little monster thing. Nobody seemed all that interested, though. Later, the same guys and I were heading out, somewhere. We'd gotten into the car, when one of them said he left something inside the house, tossing a huge bag of smoke into the car, before walking back to get whatever it was. I kept yelling at him to hurry up, because I didn't want to be just sitting here, with the huge sack in the car. He was just taking his sweet time, though, and it was annoying the hell out of me.

Of course, just as I was beginning to suspect there might be cops nearby, I heard "WOOP-WOOP," a siren barking at us from behind. I actually can't remember if I was driving or not, but we sped off, down the road, with the cops chasing us. We were driving in a slick sports car, and just hauling ass, but they were catching up. (Been playing a bit of Grand Theft Auto, also. Haha.) The guy next to me started freaking out and dumping all kinds of contraband out the window - everything from weed to small bags of cocaine which I didn't even know were in the car. In a quick, 3rd-person view, I saw the white powder blowing all over the people on the sides of the road. It was actually pretty hilarious. Suddenly, back in first-person, I got an idea. We pulled over, and I waited for the cops to come within a stone's-throw from our tail, before chucking a bag of coke at their windshield, at the last moment. It blotted out most of the glass, and they ended up swerving to miss our car and crashing into some nearby pedestrians. Then, for the first time, after all of this chaos, I realized just how absurd all of this actually was. I realized that this had to be a dream.

The other guy in the car was still freaking out, telling me that we had to get the hell out of there. I just laughed and told him to relax, stepping over to the crashed police SUV. Gathering all my focus, I reached a fist up over my head and swung it downward, trying to destroy the engine block, like I'd done to other cars, in previous lucid dreams. This time, though, I was only able to dent the hood. It was a little more superhuman than waking life, but not what I expected. I tried a few more times, swinging heavy punches at the hood and grille, but I couldn't get any more damage than about what a baseball bat might have done. Needless to say, I wasn't very happy with this. I was determined, though. I kept thinking that the cops might try to shoot me, through the windshield, but I was already prepared to either dodge the bullets or just let them hit me. Thinking that there had to be some other way to get through to the engine, the idea just kind of struck me: A light-saber! I had never created one, while lucid, so I figured that this would be a good time to try. Holding my hands up, beside me, as if gripping a sword, I tried to materialize the weapon out of thin air, imaging it growing to length. Nothing happened, though. The dream was very vivid, and I was having a hard time controlling it.

As if by my cue, the cop in the passenger seat held up a blue light-saber of his own, grinning behind the powder-covered windshield. Now, even more determined to have one, I made a motion as if it was already in my hand, stabbing directly at the grille while trying hard to visualize the weapon coming into existence. Finally, I saw the orange glow. The tip of the blazing saber burned into the grill like it was paper, eating through the metal and sinking further into the engine block. I gave a quick tug of my arms, drawing the blade sideways and widening the hole, completely putting the truck out of commission. My accomplice and I then hopped back in the car and prepared to take off again but, instead, I simply woke up for real.

(After a few reality checks - which I should have done, the first few times I 'woke up' - I got up and started jotting notes down.

This felt like a B6-enhanced dream - very vivid and chaotic - but I didn't take any B6 before bed. Most likely, it was the Reese's Cups I ate, late last night. It would have been nice to just have had a bad-ass lucid, but all that shit with the spider-creature-thing just made the whole thing unpleasant. It was still early as hell, but I didn't bother going back to sleep, after this one.)

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