Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Space Rock Fairy - 02/26/2020 ( Lucid)

Space Rock Fairy 
Dream #1

The first thing I remember is being at a pool party, some time around dusk. There were people both inside and outside the home, and things had started off fairly normally. This changed, though, when we were suddenly put on alert that there was a series of asteroids headed toward Earth, with projections of eminent impact. Not much longer had I received this news, than I realized that most of the people from the pool party had simply vanished. The few people left in the home told me that the others had escaped into an underground bunker and, apparently, we had been left behind.

From outside, a series of loud explosions began to shake the home. The asteroid bombardment had begun. I knew that this house would get flattened, and that I had to find some way to shield myself from the falling masses. Perhaps counter-intuitively, I ran outside. I was as if bombs were detonating across the neighborhood, as the flaming rocks began to level the neighborhood. From where I was standing, and at the angle from which the asteroids were incoming, I could see that I might have a chance of blocking their trajectory, if I jumped into the pool and flattened myself against the forward-facing wall. There was no other shelter, around.

Having little time for doubt, I dove into the water, holding my breath and ducking against the wall of the pool. The asteroid onslaught continued around me, and I could hear them crashing onto the pool deck and see them falling into the water, just out of reach of me, the 6-to-8-foot wall providing the slightest bit of cover. I was, however, running into another problem. I was running out of breath, and I knew I couldn't stay here, forever. (I am a recreational free-diver, and I can hold my breath for a good while, but that wasn't going to help me, in this situation.)

Luckily, just as I was weighing the necessity of me coming out of hiding, in order to breathe, I realized that I already could breathe! I immediately knew that I was dreaming. No longer fearing the asteroid catastrophe, I crawled out of the pool and stood on the deck, looking up at the sky. The asteroids were still raining down, and I could see that they looked very polished and low-res - almost 'video game-like'. Reaching my hands up, and focusing my mind, I began deflecting away the asteroids with telekinesis, causing them to either break apart, on impact with the invisible barrier over my head, or to spin off course, missing me and the house, and crashing somewhere else in the neighborhood.

By this time, the pool party-goers were starting to re-emerge, many of them crowding around the pool to watch me fight off the asteroids. It was then, that I saw a winged creature - similar to a moth, but about the size of a small dog - come frantically spiraling down from the same direction of the falling rocks. It flew around the yard, erratically, and I, still aware this was a dream, was fascinated by it. I ran after it and caught it in my hands, wrestling with the creature as it tried to escape my grasp. Though I knew I had nothing to fear, just holding this wriggling, squirming, giant insect in my hands was rather disturbing, but I held on, nonetheless.

On the patio, nearby, I found a large container made out of a kind of glass or transparent plastic, and I was able to trap the creature inside. It fluttered within, with such a force that it broke one of the side panels, but before it could escape, I pushed back against the box with telekinesis and was able to keep it shut. The people gathered around this box and we just stared at this creature, watching it bounce around, inside. Curiosity was getting the better of me, and I began to wonder what this thing would say if it could talk. Softening any expectations I might have, I attempted to "will" the creature into speaking English, to see if it would communicate with us. My expectations were successfully subverted, as this thing turned into a full-on, apparently female, fairy.

Still small enough to fit in the box, the panicked fairy began shouting a warning to us: she said that she was an alien creature, and her very powerful father had been chasing her across the cosmos. If we didn't let her go, she said, her father would inevitably find her and, upon doing so, would likely destroy the planet, just out of spite. Of course, had this been any other scenario, I would have been terrified at this new development. However, since I was fully lucid, and feeling quite confident in my dream control, I thought this was awesome, and I couldn't wait to meet the guy!

Seconds later, a sleek, black object descended from the sky. It was a smooth, almost teardrop-shaped vessel, which slowly landed in the yard, just beside the pool. A ship. One side of the object opened up, and an enormous, shadowy-black figure emerged from within. He stood around 10 feet tall, and had red, glowing eyes, though I couldn't really make out any of his other features, even in the fading sunlight. (He reminded me a bit of the character Trigon, from DC's Titans, though as little more than a silhouette.)

Unfortunately, I started to lose lucidity, around here. I remember having a brief conversation with this "monster," and I was able to trick him into thinking that his daughter had passed up Earth and gone to some other planet. Sooner or later, he up and left, without incident. Upon his departure, the fairy came out of hiding, and the last thing I remember her saying was something about how pissed he was going to be, when he realizes he'd been duped and comes back around.

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