Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Everybody Out of the Deadpool" - 11/23/2012

"Everybody Out of the Deadpool!"
Dream #1
I was a disembodied spectator of this dream, watching Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds version), aka Deadpool - before his transformation - being led through some industrial facility. The place was being run by an evil syndicate, and I believe it had an oil refinery to use as a front. The villains had taken Wade captive, and they were going to perform all types of experiments on him - whether he liked it or not - to turn him into their own mutant weapon: Deadpool. I could see a screen that was showing what mutant abilities they were going to be adding to his own, and I saw that it once referenced something about his 'motor-mouth,' as if it was something that they were assessing for their experiments. Wade was walking alongside a woman - who obviously didn't want to hear a thing he had to say - and he was just cracking all types of jokes. The woman was getting very visibly annoyed. It was rather hilarious, though. From the way he was acting, you wouldn't have been able to tell that he was even being held there against his will.

Sooner or later, there was a battle going on inside this facility. I believe Wade's team had come to bust him out and to take down the syndicate, but I'm not exactly sure who they were. I do know that a plan was devised to destroy the facility via some sort of nuclear device. I remember panic, as people were trying to stop the explosion and/or escape the facility. At the very end of the battle, the initial device had been disarmed, but someone else had set a back-up plan into motion, that caused the oil running through the facility to be channeled up into one, single tunnel, where it began to well up. I could see people running through the hallways, trying to escape the facility, and the ground around them was shaking. Telephone poles, near the exit, were wobbling. These were ominous signs that there was a massive explosion building beneath the facility. Then, the oil burst out of a single channel, essentially through a manhole cover in the ground, and spraying an enormous black geyser into the air. My perspective pulled out from the factory's perimeter, showing the full hundreds of feet that the black fluid shot into the sky, piercing a large layer of green clouds that hung low, over the city. Gravity soon began to take hold, once the geyser hit its apex. The green clouds, it seems, turned out to be a thick layer of methane gas that was blanketing the city (exactly like the scene in The Mask where Stanley and Tina are overlooking the city from the park, and it shows all the green methane emissions in the air).

In what I believe was slow motion, I witnessed the villains watching this jet of black oil fly up into the air, blooming into an umbrella and falling back down toward the layer of methane that over the city. At that same moment, a fire was ignited in the facility - though I don't know by whom; a trail of fire streaked up the oil geyser and toward the methane clouds that the upward jet had broken through; and that the downward arc of falling oil was about to re-enter. I saw the look of impending doom on their faces, evidencing that they knew exactly what was about to happen. The fire - doing what it does - surged up the geyser; through the hole in the green gas; up to the apex of the oil fountain; and then began to rain back down toward the cloud of flammable methane. After a short moment of dramatic silence, the entire methane cloud combusted, creating a gargantuan explosion, across the entire city, that would have rivaled any destructive blast that the team might have used to blow up the facility.

The enormous mushroom cloud, curling over the city, was the last thing I remember of the dream.

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