Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Special Weapons and....Tentacles?" - 12/11/2006

"Special Weapons And ....Tentacles?"

This one started off in school. High school, I’d say. I was sitting at the front of the class and there was a brotha' in the next row - one seat back - that kept talking shit to me, over my shoulder. I was doing my best to just ignore him, but then he finally stuck out his leg and kicked my chair, to get my attention. I had a Mountain Dew on my desk, and it fell off and spilled all over the floor.

Finally, I got up and walked around to the side of his desk where he could actually stand up. As I came around his row, he stared at me like he was just waiting for me to start something. (Pretty big dude too. Kind of looked like Terrell Owens with facial hair and not quite as much muscle) I could also see, before I got to him, that he was holding a pencil in his right hand, discretely, like it was a shank.

I stopped right next to him and said something like “What the F*CK is your problem?!” I can’t even remember what he said, because my attention was on the pencil (even though my eyes were locked on his, acting like I hadn’t seen it). Before long, he jumped up at me and stabbed the pencil at the side of my neck. I caught his forearm in both hands and tried to bend it around behind his back, but couldn’t, because his back was still facing his desk and I couldn’t get behind him. I think I pushed down on the inside of his elbow to force his arm to bend and started pushing his hand, with the pencil in it, up toward his own throat. Whatever happened, he ended up submitting after seeing that, had I wanted to, I could have pushed the pencil into his neck.

In a huff, he sat back down, and I walked back to my chair and sat down too. The girl who was sitting directly behind me was obviously friends with the other guy, and she was talking all kinds of bull, about how the guy didn’t do anything, and how I’m a shit-starter, and all that. I told her that he kicked my chair and spilled my drink, and she kept denying it, like she was trying to protect him, or something. Eventually, I just ended up ignoring the both of them.

We had this really cool teacher (whom I don’t recognize from waking life) and, pretty soon, the class became something like a big rec room. We were listening to music and a bunch of us had put our desks together and were playing cards. The guy who'd started shit with me, a while earlier, came up to me, apologized, and introduced himself. His name was Marcus, if I remember correctly. I don’t remember the reason he gave for being such an ass, earlier, but he was remained pretty cool, from this point, on.

Our teacher also showed us this new art medium, where he had this large board that was made out of Styrofoam, or something. You'd drop a couple drops of whatever color paint you want to use, over a given area, and then trace your finger back and forth, to smear the paint. While this was occurring, this “special board” would actually draw in the details that you’re visualizing in your mind, using whatever colors you’d spread over the area. It was dope. We all got together and did a huge landscape, drawn from above, adding a few layers of the foam to make texture like mountains and houses.

I also remember dropping a bag of grass on the ground, in the classroom, and hoping my teacher didn’t find it.

The dream shifted, and we were all, suddenly, in a dance club, even though it was still in the middle of the day. After a while, a bunch of SWAT members, in full riot gear, busted in and raided the place. Within the chaos, when no one else seemed to notice, one of the cops lifted up his helmet and I could see that he, clearly, wasn’t human. He had a green face with a tentacle-beard, like Davey Jones, from "Pirates of the Caribbean 2." None of these cops were human. There was a bit of a fight, and one of them ended up shooting me in the thigh, before we were all subdued. I could tell it was a small caliber, because it was merely like a bee sting – more annoying and irritating than excruciating. I remember yelling out something like “What the hell was THAT? A .22 or something?!! F*ck!” and was taken outside, holding my leg, obviously more upset with how much it stung than over the fact that they'd shot me, in the first place.

The dream went into some long scenario explaining this “alien” invasion that ended up in a huge castle/mansion on top of a mountain, at night. I don’t remember much of this part, but I do remember being on a huge cliff, and we were being attacked by this massive tentacle-monster like the Kraken from 'Pirates' (I haven’t ever even seen that movie. Wonder why I have so many elements from it.)

Anyway, this creature was HUGE. A couple of us had gotten too close and were trapped beneath this beast (which was a freaking disgusting feeling – having all these rubbery tentacles and suckers rolling and undulating over top of me) and I remember thinking how we should be dead, simply by the weight of this thing pressing down on us. I was able to pry myself back out, and we continued fighting it. At one point, I saw one of the girls in our group getting lifted up by one of the tentacles, by her leg, and dropped down into the mouth of this monster and eaten.

Also (which was probably the strangest thing about this whole dream), once we got away from the 'land-kraken', there was this guy, who just kinda showed up, that none of us knew. I can’t remember where we ran into him, but he obviously knew a lot about these aliens and had some interstellar connections. He took us to a place, within the castle/mansion, where he said he could get ahold of some sort of backup, or something. There was a ceiling-less room with a large door in the ground. This guy pulled open the door/hatch and jumped in. Once I was close enough to look down inside, I discovered that there was a sprawling machine that was hidden in the floor. As the machine began winding up, it struck me that it looked like a giant chamber on a revolver. It spun, a time or two, and then fired an intense shot into the air, like a cannon. My eyes could barely follow a streak of light as it flew out of the machine and disappeared, up into the stars. It was - I'd deduced - an apparent teleportation device, and the stranger had just transported himself light-years away.

In a matter of seconds, we spotted what looked like a distant star, getting bigger and brighter. It turned into that familiar streak of light and fell out of the sky, landing a few yards away. The guy had just teleported back. I can’t remember if he'd brought troops or weapons back with him, though, or whatever might have been the outcome of his off-world jump, as his arrival was the last thing I could recall.

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