Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Birth of a Djinn" - 08/2010 (Lucid)

"Birth of a Djinn"

(I'm going to go back and expand on some of my other, recent dreams, but I'm amazed that I was able to succeed in this lucid "mission," so soon after reading DreamViews member WakingNomad's 'Serial Dream RPG' thread. So I just had to hurry up and write this one out. I just wish I was able to remember some more of the details. Upon waking up at about 5am and browsing the  DV forums a bit, reminding myself to try for Nomad's first mission. In the past, I haven't had much luck with RPG-type tasks (of which my journal constantly reminds me ), but, amazingly, this one came pretty easily.)

I believe the dream started in my old high school cafeteria. There had been a bit going on, before this point, but I don't remember very much at all. My earliest, solid memory of this dream was becoming lucid in the cafeteria, by noticing how unclear and "hazy" things were, around me. I just didn't feel like I was in reality, and I quickly realized this to be because I was in an unstable dream. Immediately, I brought my hands up in front of me, and stared at them, trying to pull together all of the visual detail I could. I had an extra finger on each hand, and each one was loosely attached to the pinky before it, practically webbed. I lowered my hands and looked around, having succeeded in bringing things into more clarity. With almost uncommon ease (for myself, anyway), I quickly remembered my intention to try Nomad's RPG mission. I couldn't quite recall every detail of his scenario, but I remembered that I had to be walking on a path, through the woods, and look at myself in a mirror. Judging by where I was, though, there wasn't a wooded area anywhere near me.

I began to float through the school hallways, hovering in a standing position, as if my feet were still on the floor. After a while, I began to lose patience, getting the feeling that I wasn't any closer to finding an exit than when I started, so I tried some scene changing. Figuring that spinning would likely cause me to wake up, I closed my eyes lightly, and thought of the woods. When I opened them, I was in another setting (which I can't really remember), but it was definitely not a wooded path. I tried at least once or twice more, with no success. Then, I opened them again to find myself standing in some grass in a field. A bit closer to the woods than any of my other attempts, I imagined that, once I turned to the left, I would be in the middle of the woods. I spun to the left, and after a short blur of my vision, I saw that I was, indeed, standing in the middle of the woods, on a fairly wide path which ran through the cluster of trees around me.

Again recalling that I, next, had to look at myself in a mirror, I wondered just how I would get my hands on one. Ironically, I didn't even think about just turning around, to have one in front of me (which might have been much easier, but did carry the risk of losing dream stability, completely). Instead, I thought about the way I'd created a door, back in my "Water Dragon" dream, and decided to do something similar. I put my hands in front of me, as if I was holding a single point in space with the index fingers and thumbs of both my hands. I then pulled my hands apart, horizontally, creating a thin line which stretched between the two hands. Once it was a few inches wide, I then spread my index fingers away from their respective thumbs, expanding what was once a thin line, into an empty box (or "frame," kind of like film directors do) between my fingers. The geometric shape sat there between my fingers, as if I were holding a transparent credit card between my hands. Then, considering this to be the back side of the mirror, I then twisted my fingers so the box flipped around, vertically. It was like I had actually cut out a square, in my field of view, and then flipped everything inside that square - trees and all - around like a card in a magic trick. On the other side of this displaced rectangle of "reality" was a perfect little mirror, which I held up to my face, remembering that I had chosen a Djinn as my character for the game. In the reflection, I saw a hazy, obscure version of myself, staring back at me. I couldn't really make out all the details, but it looked incredibly plain - just my regular self.

A little bored with this rendition of my "character," I lowered the mirror away from my face. Clearing my mind and just hoping for something a little more interesting - yet trying not to consciously influence the outcome - I looked back into the mirror. This picture was much clearer. It was still me, but I was shirtless, and had thick, short, brownish/reddish hair, which sat wildly on top of my head. Two pointy little bumps of my skull sat above my eyebrows; a modest set of horns, which hadn't quite broken through the skin. I grinned at myself, which seemed quite humorously wicked. Overall, I figured my Djinn to be quite a handsome devil, so I was satisfied. Something happened, at this point, where my reflection began to take on a life of its own. This part is really fragmented, but I remember getting into an altercation with my reflection, and we started pushing/pulling on each other, like the shoving match we had in my last dream where I saw my reflection. I don't remember if I grabbed him and pulled him out of the mirror, or he grabbed me and pulled me into the mirror, but we were suddenly on the same plane, rolling around on the wooded path and trying to gain advantage over the other. I don't remember the outcome of that, though.

Later, I was back in an open field. There were a few people milling around, and a lake sat nearby. On the lake, I saw an abandoned little boat, struggling to stay afloat. I levitated myself and flew over to it, landing on top of it, feeling like taking a little explorative ride around this enormous lake. The boat was a small, blue motorboat with no motor. So, I took hold of the boat, telekinetically, and pushed it around the lake with my mind. Every now and then, I wondered if I would come across any of my usual sea monsters, but I was feeling a real sense of empowerment, in being my new Djinn character, and I honestly didn't care what I encountered, because I felt that I could take on anything.

I know there was so much more than happened, after this. I distinctly remember stopping somewhere and running back over the events of the dream in my mind, and trying to recall as much as possible, before I woke up, which is what I usually do during long lucids. 

(But, sooner or later, the dream ended. I think a lot of time must had passed between the dream and the time I actually woke. Otherwise, I think I would have remembered a lot more than I did. I was only concerned with retaining the lucid portion, though, and I'm happy to have recalled as much as I had.

I plan on either drawing, modeling, or photoshopping a rendition of what my Djinn/self looked like in the dream, when I have the time. )

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