Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Please Do not Beat on Glass" - 6/23/2008 (Lucid)

"Please Do Not Beat On Glass"

(I haven't been keeping to habits that foster great dream recall, lately, so even though I'm trying to get back in the routine of dream journaling, I've been kind of lacking in remembering the details. However, I do remember a fragment of a lucid, from last night.)

There was a public sea-life exhibit, enclosed and with large tanks making up the walls of the interior rooms. Everything was dimmed, relying solely on whatever sources were lighting the tanks, and the atmosphere reminded me of the shark exhibit, at Sea World. I spent some time going from tank to tank, and seeing all of the creatures they had in them. Some of the tanks were enormous, leading to large outer-areas of the park, and they housed everything from sharks to octopi to eels.

I don't necessarily remember becoming lucid, but I soon knew that this was a dream, and the first thing I can recall was roaming around this crowded walkway, looking for something to do, during what time I had left in the dream. Being in this cave-like exhibit, the first thing that came into my mind was shattering all the tanks and flooding the whole area. I can't remember if I found or manifested the object, but I was soon walking around with a baseball bat. I began smashing all of the tanks, one by one - some of them only spider-webbing, while the others broke and released whatever water and life they held. When I hit the bigger tanks, they exploded, hundreds of gallons surging in and collecting over the floor. Before too long, the entire exhibit enclosure was submerged in water. I cautiously confirmed that I could breathe underwater (wary, at first, of inhaling and having real water push in through my nostrils), and then continued on busting out whatever tanks were still intact.

For some time, I just played about, underwater. Some of the people around me looked still and dead - floating about, lifeless, in the illuminated water - and others were just walking or swimming around, making their way through the water just as I was.

Cross over to my main site!!

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