Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Parasite Fae" - 05/22/2022

"Parasite Fae"

The earliest thing I can remember, from this dream, was witnessing an attack on a small group of people, in an alley. I wasn't actually a part of this group, but I was right there with them, even though I didn't seem to be the target of the assailants, until I started trying to help fend them off. The attackers were a feral gang of masked goons. The way they moved kind of reminded me of the Reapers from "Blade II." 

Eventually, one of the people I'd attempted to save intervened, in kind, and took on the entire gang. He or she swung an arm out, and long, squid-like tentacles splayed out from within the sleeves, overpowering the attackers and causing those who could still stand to turn away in retreat. I can't remember how badly, but I had been wounded in the fight and - in what I first thought was a gesture of thanks, but turned out to be a kidnapping by force - gathered me up and escorted me back to their home. 

The strangers resided in some hidden, underground lair - reminiscent of the hideout of the Morlocks from "The Gifted" (which we'd been watching, lately). There, within a chamber that seemed to be a makeshift laboratory, they 'introduced' to 'their Queen, Fae,' which, they'd said, was somehow related to the mythical "faeries" that we all know from legends and...well...fairytales. To my surprise, though, this "Queen," they spoke of, turned out to be a sentient mass of tangled, shapeless tissue, about the size of a basketball - like something out of John Carpenter's "The Thing." It squelched its way over to me and moved around me, in close proximity, as if silently studying me. Then, without any warning, the 'Thing' darted at me and latched on, its tendrils burying itself into my skin and, apparently, fusing with me.

Almost immediately, I developed a sort of psychic link with this creature - which spoke with a female voice. It began to tell me about its kind, and about how all of the "strangers" in this lair all had the same sort of parasitic relationships with her species, but that she was potentially the most powerful, which is why they saw her as their queen. The longer that these beings "fed" on their hosts, she explained, the more they would be able to resemble humans, themselves. She also said that she found me 'fascinating,' specifically, and that she would be using me as her vessel - whether I wanted her to or not.

What followed was a long, disturbing jumble of fleeting memories of her "taking over" my body, whenever she was attached to me, and using me as a sort of vehicle, to battle the Reaper-like gang from earlier, who were, apparently, rivals to these extraterrestrial creatures. Whenever we would clash, I would use the same tentacled types of attacks that the person had been using, from earlier in the dream - my arms bursting into long, gnarled strands of fleshy tissue that ensnared our victims and tore them apart, graphically - mercilessly - tearing them limb from limb in bloodbath after bloodbath. (It felt very "Tetsuo" from the anime "Akira.") Over time - the more and more that I was used as a tool for her vengeance - she would begin to transform into more of a human appearance, even when some portion of her always remained attach to me, as if I was sprouting a conjoined twin whenever she decided to speak verbally, which she'd developed the ability to do. 

There was one moment, where my fiance showed up, and "Fae" transformed into the likeness of a toddler, running around near my feet, in order to hide her true form and the physical connection that always had to remain between us, in order to keep a humanoid form. Naturally, though, my fiance became inquisitive about the unfamiliar child who was clinging so comfortably to me and, after a round of prodding questions, Fae finally got fed up at the interrogation and did a grotesque, horrific transformation, back into a full-sized adult woman, completely abandoning the disguise and revealing who and what she was.

Eventually, Fae had learned that her "nemesis," was using a large corporation as a front, and he could be found at its headquarters. Prepared to put an end to their ongoing war, we showed up to the facility with intent to take down this 'Boss' of sorts. While we made our way into the building, and up to the main office / penthouse, where this kingpin was supposed to be hanging out, my view switched to a disembodied perspective and showed the outside of the building from the air. From there, I could see the massive fountain at the entrance and, within the fountain, I could see the gigantic silhouette of a fish-like monster swimming around, beneath the surface of the water.

Before long, I was back in a first-person view, just as I was walking into the penthouse. I (along with the parasite attached to my body) searched around for wherever this 'person' might be. There didn't seem to be anyone even remotely nearby, on this entire floor, and I was just beginning to get the feeling that we'd been led here, deceptively.

Suddenly, a large silhouette appeared in the window, just before a loud crash as broken glass streamed into the expansive office. The giant fish monster, from the fountain - about the size of an 18-wheeler - had flown up from the ground floor and burst through the window, crushing the owner's desk and taking up a good portion of the room, as it landed. It flopped around, violently (as one might expect a gigantic fish out of water to do), trying its hardest to swallow me whole. Using my parasitic tendrils to fight back, I was able to defend myself just long enough to escape the penthouse and make my way back down through the building. Once I got down to the ground level, though, the giant fish plummeted to the ground in front of me, having jumped from the top floor, in pursuit. Immediately, the fish monster spun around, in place, transforming in the same, disgusting, visceral way that 'Fae' changed shape, and it became an enormous, hulking, torso of a bald man. Apparently, this was Fae's nemesis, and he had the ability to transform, as well. Only a moment after revealing its oversized, human form, the monstrous figure turned around, again, twisting and contorting its limbs and flesh to become a giant alien head with an elongated cranium and rows about rows of sword-like teeth - each about as big as my own body.

The last thing I remember is a pretty balls-out battle against this shape-shifting monster, using my tentacles as whips and spears, with Fae - at some point - taking about half of her humanoid form and fighting as an almost 'second' person, beside me.

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