Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"F*@#ing with Falcone" - 07/24/2009 (Lucid)

"F*@#ing with Falcone"

I was with T, and a bunch of other people, in some random neighborhood. It seems that Carmine Falcone (the mob boss from Batman Begins) controlled this entire area, but we were largely unbothered by it and were just wandering around his turf, hanging out with no real direction or purpose. One of the girls in the group did something that I realized was unusual - albeit subtle (I have no idea what it was, though), but it was enough for me to realize that I was dreaming. Just to confirm it, I took a piece of paper and threw it at the ground, then focusing my mind on it to cause it to levitate. 

Almost immediately after doing so, I sort of 'felt' a commotion, overhead, and looked up. There was a firery wreckage of a passenger plane falling out of the sky and streaking toward the city street. With nothing else to do with my lucidity, at the moment, I flew up into the air in an attempt to go 'save' the passengers. I couldn't get high enough, though, and it kept feeling like my body was being weighed down by the gravity I was already defying. So, from where I was, I outstretched my hand and, again, focused my mind, catching the plane from afar with telekinesis, almost effortlessly, and setting it to the ground.

Later, I had lost lucidity and was going to a football game with my group of friends. While there, I had a pen and paper and was thinking about skeching the whole stadium (though I don't think I ever got around to it). At some point, we took a trip over to the concessions area, and it was then that we actually ran into Falcone. He seemed to already know who we were, and he was putting on his tough-guy, trying to pressure us or scare us into something or another. During this confrontation, I again remembered that I was dreaming, and that I was in control. In the middle of his tirade, I held both hands up and, again, called upon telekinesis, swinging my arms in one direction and slinging him across the hall, pinning his back to a wall with my mind.

Grunting against his invisible restraints, Falcone started spewing off about how he had men going for my family; and about how I wouldn't get away with this; and 'blah-blah', but I just laughed at him. Instinctively, I turned to the crowd and pointed, saying "No you don't. Your two men are right there," basically attempting to will them into being. Sure enough, his two henchmen were standing right in the crowd, merely grinning comically and waving back at us. With some level of control exerted over the henchmen, I commanded them to kill Falcone while I went back to my friends, though I didn't stick around to see whether they carried out the order. Still lucid, the last thing I remember is making out with one of the random girls in our group. No other details, though.

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