Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Granny Gunfight" - 09/27/2006

"Granny Gunfight"
Dream Two

(I had some B6, before bed, and my dreams were very vivid, last night.)

In this dream, I was in a Home Depot, or some other large hardware store. There was an older woman walking around the store, who I knew was up to something. Though I didn't know the details, what I did know was that this old lady was bad - like gun-toting, crime-spree-committing, "I'll-Shoot-You-In-The-Face-if-you-cross-me" bad.

Anyway, we (I?) were trying to capture this old woman. As I was walking down an aisle of this hardware store, I looked over and saw the woman looking back at me. As soon as she noticed that she was being watched, she took off running, disappearing behind one of the tall shelves. I ran after her, and once turning the corner to follow her, I saw that she was running along the wall of one of the aisles, horizontally, on all fours (looking much like the way that the xenomorphs from the movie "Aliens" can run on the walls and ceiling). She was scurrying quickly and getting away from me faster than I would be able to do anything to stop her. As flees, she reaches back with a pistol in her hand and fires off a couple of pot shots, which miss me.

Instinctively, I pulled a shotgun out from [somewhere] (Actually, I think I got it from a cop car, during the first dream of the night, which makes me think the two were connected, but I'm not certain, so I didn't bother to post that one.) It was empty, though. I started searching and asking, around the hardware store, for shotgun shells (as if those were something that you would just find hanging around at Home Depot). Some woman, who was standing in line at the register, kept saying "They're over here," but she had her back turned to me, and there were a lot of people standing around, so I couldn't tell where the voice was coming from. She kept saying it, over and over: "They're Over here." Finally, I'm like "WHERE THE F*** ARE YOU?!" Then, a random woman turned around, looked at me, and nonchalantly said: "Right here."

She pointed to an empty gun rack and picked up the last two shotgun shells that were remaining. Irritated, I yelled "TWO?!" I mean, what the hell was I supposed to do with two shotgun shells in a firefight?

I took them anyway and loaded up the shotgun. Then, I went searching for the old lady.

I don't remember too much more, after this, except for one thing: As I was going around, hunting for this old (inhuman?), pistol-packing woman, I saw the lady that led me to the shells, running across the aisle, in front of me. She'd pulled out a pistol of her own and was firing back at someone [or something] as she dashed passed my line of sight. I ran and caught up with her, looking back to see that she had only fired twice but had taken out the deadly old woman with a well-placed shot (to the neck, I think).

The woman that had given me the shells then pulled out a badge, showing me that she was an undercover cop.

(That's all I could remember.)

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