Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Hiro's Hero's" / "Future Hiro" - 10/22/2007 (Chain)

"Hiro's Heroes"
Dream #1
(Part One)

I was Hiro Nakamura, a time-manipulating character from the TV show "Heroes," and was in Feudal Japan. I was training with Kensei and was completely whooping his ass. Mostly playing the defensive, though, I spent most of time dodging and blocking his sword, as he swung it at me. He began getting really pissed, because nothing that he did was having any sort of effect on me, no matter how hard he tried.

After a short while, my perspective switched to a disembodied observer, and I was now following a young girl, from another village. She seemed like a really nice girl, at first, but then, she suited up in a ninja dogi. Obviously, she was taught that the "Heroes" and I were evil, and she was on a mission to kill us. Still just an "observer," my perspective followed her, as she ran through the plains and toward our camp.

Now (coming back into myself, as Hiro), Kensei, Ted, and at least two other "Heroes" characters were training - outside, at this point, instead of inside. I was swordfighting with Ted, and Kensei stood by, watching. I kept beating Ted, but he wasn't doing too badly, and this was making Kensei even more pissed.

Finally, Kensei came in and wanted another shot at me, being really arrogant about it. I started swordfighting him and, again, just had him completely outclassed. I blocked everything he threw at me, with hardly even the slightest effort. At one point, I spun around, parrying one of his strikes and, in the same motion, I dove in toward him, landing on the ground with the side of my body and swiping my sword, catching him in the shin. (We were using wooden swords to practice with.) When I stood up, he was so mad that, being only about three feet away, he threw his sword at me as hard as he could, hilt first. I simply shifted my upperbody, turning my left shoulder out of the way with an almost super-human speed, without the slighest expression of concern, and the sword flew right passed me.

My perspective then switched, again, and showed the ninja girl rushing into our village. She came upon one of the village gaurds and took him out with this badass twisting, backflip-kick. Upon landing, she pulled out a bow and grabbed a huge handful of arrows, stringing them all in the quiver, at once. She released them into the village and her arrows rained down over the people that were outside. The massacre looked more like a cartoon or anime, than anything else, though.

Realizing that this girl was killing everyone, we ran to intercept her, and she and I started fighting. After fighting for a couple of moments, the last thing I remember is some disembodied voice starting a song-number ridiculing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her family. (Where that came from, I don't know, but I don't remember anything after that.)


"Future Hiro"
Dream #1
(Part Two)

I was still Hiro from Heroes, but this was a time-period before I'd learned to control my powers. I remember riding in an elevator with some strange guy that kinda reminded me of Jack Black. All of a sudden, the elevator stopped, and the doors open. Future Hiro (in essense: myself) was standing in front of us, and he handed me a large, silver case. He said something, that was likely important, but I forgot what it was. However, whatever it was, it had let the stranger know that the man before us was me, from the future. Future Hiro, then, left. The doors closed, and the elevator starting up, again. The whole time, while I continued holding onto this case, the guy beside me was completely flipping out, due to the knowledge that we'd both just met my future self.

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