Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Fire-breathing Fire" - 07/10/2020 (Lucid)

"Fire-breathing Fire"

From my earliest memory of this dream, I was lucid. I was on some crazy, roller-coaster type of track, with my daughter. The coaster had no cars, and we were actually running on the tracks and around the areas that the tracks had connected to one another. Surrounding the pillars of mountains and concrete structures, stretched an endless, blue ocean, and the tracks we were running on were apparently suspended over the water by nothing. We ran on these thin rails with breakneck, video game-like speed, zipping around corners and up hills. I held her hand, and she followed close behind me. Sometimes we would jump off the tracks, without breaking stride, and run around, exploring the hills and buildings, before jumping back onto the tracks and continuing on our way. At different intervals, our tracks would sometimes come to a break, and we'd have to jump onto parallel tracks, to avoid falling into the infinite ocean below us. (It all felt very Sonic the Hedgehog-ish). She was in awe of the whole thing and wondered how we were able to do this. I told her that we were lucid dreaming, but didn't go into her being a DC. I don't believe it really crossed my mind, to any significant degree.

My recall skips ahead, and I'm was back at my old home, in Canterbury, and still lucid. I walked into the room which used to be my parents', and my dad was in there. I told him to check me out, and I started levitating in front of him. He just watched for a moment, and I bounced slowly around the room, from walls to ceiling and floor, as if I was filled with helium - lightly pushing my hands off the ceiling to make myself float down, the other way. He asked how I was doing it, and I explained the whole lucid thing to him, even going so far as to tell him about how he wasn't real and was just a DC - which I hadn't done with my daughter. He was just astonished, and he started rubbing his hands all over everything in the room - from the bed to the dresser and back again. When he sat down on the bed, I focused my mind on it and levitated it slowly to the ceiling. The bed actually touched flat against the ceiling, and when I lowered it, my dad was nowhere to be found. I tried to turn around and summon him, but he just wouldn't show up. Then, I remembered what had happened, during one of the last times I was standing in this room, while lucid. (I had accidentally summoned my old friend, MW, after I had spent the whole dream trying to get rid of him.) So, seeing if I could kick-start my summoning ability by doing something familiar, I tried to summon MW again, by expecting him to just walk around the corner and into the room. No dice. Frustrated, I turned back to look at the room - trying of thinking of something else to do - and, lo and behold, MW was already sitting on the bed, looking at me with this stupid grin as if to say; "You rang?"

Even more frustrated at his comically-sarcastic entrance, I just smirked at him and turned back around, leading him out of the room. We walked out of the house, through the carport door - by this time, having abandoned my intention to summon my dad again - and there was a bunch of other people playing in the street. The first thing that caught my eye was the moon, being that it was the only thing in the night sky. I focused on the moon and moved it just slightly, testing my control over it. I, then, concentrated and attempted to turn it into a replica of the Earth. I don't remember what the actual morph looked like, but it was soon a spitting image of our planet, so far as I could tell. Finally, I yanked on the orb, telekinetically, and pulled it out of the sky. The planet - scaled to about the size of a mini-van, and still glowing as if it were lit by the sun, from within - thudded heavily onto the street and rolled about, between the group of onlookers. They all started playing with it, as if it were a giant medicine ball.

I had left the group, and was soon sitting in my truck, in front of my house. Someone, parked nearby, was having car trouble. I believe it was MW again. He asked me if I had AAA and, as soon as the question left his lips, a tow-truck came pulling up behind us. We got out of our vehicles and began to go over to talk to the toe truck driver, when something caught my eye. I looked over toward the dark backdrop of the bayou behind my old house, and there was a snake-like flame, about the size of a man, dancing toward us from under a tall tree. As it got closer, I could see that it was a dragon. A dragon made of fire. It had a snake-like body, which stood up like a cobra - nearly as tall as I was - and it was a mean sum'bitch. It was undeniably badass, though; made out of a smokeless fire that blazed all around what looked to be a reflective, multi-colored body, beneath. It kept spitting flames at all of us, and I stepped in the way, standing in one of the flames. I didn't create a shield, as I'd done in my first lucid dragon encounter, but I just stood there and let it breathe fire all over me. To my surprise, it was actually pretty hot, but nothing too intense. Finally, in the middle of its assault, I held up my hands in front of me and took control of the dragon's body, with my mind. Waving my arms a little, to guide the mental movements, I literally tied the dragon's long, serpentine body into a knot with telekinesis, as if he were some big, flaming balloon animal. I then flicked my head in one direction and threw the dragon off to one side, discarding it.

Looking around, for something else to do, I tried to make some mushroom clouds erupt up and out of the midnight horizon. Some smaller explosions blasted through the nearby neighborhood, but nothing on the scale of what I was trying to accomplish. Along the ditch nearby, I could see some kids playing in the field. It had looked as if they were playing, at least. Then, I saw that they were, actually, running from the police. A squad car had driven up onto the grass and was chasing the kids through the field, heading in my direction. Having nothing more pressing to do with my lucidity, I sat and watched, waiting to see what would happen next. Out of nowhere, now about 50 yards away, the kids all drew pistols and opened fire into the squad car. The cops didn't even have a chance to react. Riddled with bullets, the squad car kept approaching me, sirens blaring, and cut a sharp turn into the soil. This caused the car to flip over once, passing me and coming to rest on it's rooftop, a couple of feet to my left. I couldn't even see the actual cops inside the wreckage. All I saw was a huge splatter of blood on the windshield, foretelling their fate. (I had been playing GTA, before bed, and that's what the whole ordeal felt like.)

I knew that I would be waking up soon, so I started going over the events of the dream in my mind, recalling as much as I could, before making that transition from dreaming to waking life. Something else began to happen, in the field, but I decided to pay no attention to it and jump out of the dream, while the events, so far, were still fresh in my mind.

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