Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Jedi Justice" - 02/07/2013 (Lucid)

”Jedi Justice”
Dream #1

The first thing I remember about this dream was sex with an old flame. In the middle of it, for some reason, I had left the room and gone into the kitchen. My mom was in the kitchen, and she started telling me about what she'd been cooking, so I got hungry (and distracted) and made myself a plate, having to put both the food and the BBQ sauce in the microwave, because they were both apparently too cold to eat. I went back in the bedroom, set the food down on my desk, and my lady-friend and I picked up right where we'd left off.

Later, after she had gone to sleep, I was BSing with some friends, in a dorm-like room. Something happened where I had to store something away in the bedroom, before too many people got a hold of it, but I don’t remember what it was. A few of the guys began to follow me into the room, but I quickly ushered them out because the girl was sleeping. The two friends I was with were in a huge rush to go ‘somewhere’, but didn’t seem to be able to settle on where it was they wanted to go. We all ended up arguing over what we were going to do with our time.

Before long, we were out on a highway at night, walking around instead of driving. There was a motorcycle that had been left alone, in a median, and we all stepped over to get a good look at it, thinking about taking it for a joyride. Out of nowhere, this chick looking like Michonne, from "The Walking Dead" came riding up on a bike of her own. Seeming to know that we were thinking about stealing the other bike, she kicked it over, off of the median, and it fell into a (quite random) ice-covered puddle on the overpass, sinking beneath the street. Not wanting to be connected to this destruction of property, my group and I ran like Hell.

We got back to our (now, futuristic-looking) school area, trying to keep a low profile so that we wouldn’t be tracked down over the incident with the fallen motorcycle. The downstairs lobby of this place was enormous, and it was there that I became lucid, while trying to keep myself out of sight of the authorities that I know were going to be chasing us. I attempted to fly up to the high, second floor, where our dorms were, but couldn’t stay off the ground. Slightly frustrated at this, I ended up taking the stairs. Moving through the hallways, I passed a classroom with a gorgeous, dirty-blonde co-ed and took her with me into a nearby bathroom stall.

I was pretty aggressive with her, at first, but it seemed that she wasn’t into it, at all. The more I pressed myself against her and my hands moved about her body, the more she froze up and shuddered, staring at me with wide, frightened eyes, as if she wanted me to stop but was too afraid to say anything. After a moment of attempted foreplay, it all just seemed way too creepy, and almost like I was trying to assault her. Even though I knew this was just a dream, I decided to back away from the situation and left the bathroom stall. An enormous group of other DC’s had gathered outside the stall, obviously responding to the girl’s non-vocal 'distress'. So, I just willed myself to ‘superspeed-dash’ right through them, coming out on the backside of the mob and continuing on to walk through the hallways, meeting up with my friends from earlier.

It wasn’t long before the ‘cops’ found us and began trying to attack us…with lightsabers, of all things. And enormous lightsaber/Force battle broke out - myself using telekinesis to strip men of their lightsabers to use against them. At one point, one of the agents threw his own lightsaber toward a disarmed partner, and I used my own lucid telekinesis to redirect the sheathed saber over toward myself, while it was in mid-air, then having two sabers to rip through the remaining police force with. Most of the fighting involved quick, evasive attacks while I was running through the lobby, away from the growing number of patrolmen.

I remember one instance of the dream beginning to fade, so I looked at my hands (which were, at first, all green and gooey, as if they were melting) and quickly began to bring things back into focus. After all of the opponents had been defeated, I took some time out to recall of the things that had happened in the dream, so far, knowing that I would have to try to wake myself up soon, so I could remember it all. It wasn't long after this before the dream ended, on its own.

Cross over to my main site!!

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