Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Suele" - 09/09/2007

Dream #2

I was sitting in my backyard with Jamie (an attractive ex co-worker). We were just hanging around, drinking and talking, while I played my acoustic guitar. Sooner or later, I'd started getting kinda flirty with her and, before long, I began to get really disoriented, and starting to black out.

When I "woke up," the next day, Jamie told me she had spiked my drink with some hallucinogen called "Suele" (It was supposed to be something in Spanish, but I don't think it's an actual word). Apparently, she did it because she knew that, sometime during the night, I would make a pass at her, and she used that to keep me sedated, so that I wouldn't hit on her. (LOL.)

Anyway, later that day, we were supposed to take some sort of company trip, and Lila was there (Jamie's equally-attractive friend, that I'd actually had a crush on). She had just gotten back from Puerto Rico and had these two, studly Latin guys helping her with her things. The last instance I remember, of Lila being in the dream, was that she was getting on the same plane that Jamie, myself and one of my male co-workers (can't remember who it was) were getting on.

The dream skipped ahead, and we had already landed. It was night time, and we were in a car, driving along some empty highway. The guy I worked with was driving, and Jamie was in the passenger seat. Lila was nowhere to be found, but I was, somehow, stuck in the backseat, along with the two guys that had been carrying her things. Trying to make conversation, I asked one of them if I could see the guitar that it looked a though he was holding in his hands. They both glanced at each other and started laughing. I was wondering what they were laughing about and the one with the "guitar" said "Here, man. Here's my 'guitar'," laughing even harder. Incredibly, what he handed me had turned out to be just a hat. It seemed that I had mistaken the bottom of his hat as the hollow of an acoustic guitar that he didn't, actually, have. They both had a good laugh about it, and I was embarassed as shit.

Later, one of the guys had disappeared, and I was still sitting in the back, with the one that had the hat. He picked up a jar of something, from the floor, and was like "What's this?" Jamie turned around in her seat and said: "That's Suele." The guy was like "Oh yeah? What's it taste like?" and he started to take a swig of it. I said "Whoa! Hold on, man. You don't want to drink that shit!" He told me to shut up - or something along those lines - and started gulping it down as if he had something to prove. Knowing, now, what this stuff was, I was like "No, SERIOUSLY, you don't want to do that!!" and I tried to grab the jar out of his hands, spilling a lot of it all over my own, while he tried to wrestle it back. He snatched it from me and, continuing to try and show off, downed most of the entire jar-full. Passively, after having turned back around in her seat, to face the front, Jamie called back to me, saying "Don't get any of that stuff on you. It'll absorb through your skin, and you'll feel the effects too." Immediately, I thought "....oh shit," because I had already gotten it all over me.

Moments later, the guy next to me started bugging out. I mean REALLY bugging out. He started screaming and ranting about how he was seeing all kinds of insane visions. Everyone in the car started getting scared at just how frantic he was becoming, and things were getting really chaotic. Suddenly, the guy froze up and stared out the front windshield. He started pushing himself back in his seat and shouting something like "It's coming!! Do you see it?! IT'S COMING!!! That Demon is coming right at us!!!" Jamie and my other co-worker were like "There's nothing out there. We don't see anything."

...but I could see it.

It was hazy and translucent, from my perspective, and I figured that this was because I only had a small amount of the Suele in my system, but there was definitely a creepy-looking demon thing that had jumped onto the hood of our car. It crawled around the passenger side, passed Jamie's window and toward the back seat, closer to the guy I was sitting next to. I saw the guy start flailing like crazy, trying to fight this thing off as it tried to crawl in his window. We were both screaming and yelling as if it was actually happening, even though, in my mind, I knew - logically -  that it was nothing but a hallucination, because I could see right through it. Finally, the guy beside me grabbed a hold of the demon, by the neck, and slung it away from the car, dropping it off of an embankment that we'd been driving next to. I spent the next few minutes trying to calm this guy down, but he was going absolutely psychotic over what had happened. At one of the times, when I looked back at him, he - and his whole section of the car - was covered in blood. His blood - as though the fight with the demon had left him gashed and bleeding. He was still wide-eyed and twitching with terror, freaking out like there was an axe-wielding murderer after him.

He suddenly looked past me, out of the window on my side, and said something like "Oh, God!!" I turned my head, shocked to see a UFO flying parallel to us. It was tilting back and forth, as it flew, and obviously keeping a watchful eye on us. After a short while, it accelerated and shot forward, ahead of us. I could see it land on the side of the road, as we were coming closer. Of course, the driver and Jamie still couldn't see what we were seeing, but I kept telling the driver "Don't Stop! Don't Stop!"

Apparently, though, he was coming up to a place where we had to stop (which was strange, now that I think about it, because we were way out in the desert, or whatever). The car began slowing down, and I could see a figure standing on the side of the road. It was the alien. It was just standing there, waiting for us to pull up alongside it. As if the driver could see the alien and was picking him up as a passenger, the car slowed to a stop, right in front of the creature (which was a green, almost "Mars Attacks-looking" alien, without the massive head). I knew, deep down, that this was just a hallucination but, as we stopped, I saw the alien slowly lift his hand toward me, holding some sort of gun. Instinctively, I rolled down my window and grabbed the barrel of the alien's gun, snatching it out of his hand, with the strangest feeling of unthreatened agitation (which was actually kinda funny. It's like I didn't give a damn about the alien and was just like "Ugh. Damnit. GIVE ME THAT!" Haha).

The car started rolling again and I turned to see the alien getting back into his UFO and flying off in the opposite direction.

That's all I recall.

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