Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"ScarletVision" - 05/19/2022 (w/ Lucid False Awakening)

(w/ Lucid False Awakening)

In this dream, I was a disembodied observer (like watching a movie), following a street-level detective, as he went around investigating the murders of innocent people by Wanda Maximoff aka "The Scarlet Witch." I don't remember a whole lot of the detail from this early, but I recall him going from location to location, analyzing crime scenes and gathering clues like in a noir crime drama. There were multiple victims, killed for unknown reasons, but any pattern telling why remained unclear. Over time, the detective was starting to get the feeling that something wasn't right about his situation. Things weren't adding up, and there were a lot of unrealistic scenarios that were playing out. He began to deduce that he couldn't, in fact, be experiencing the real world. The entire scene, then, transitioned. 

Instantly, my point of view focused in on a rounded object, lying on a table. I immediately recognized the object to the decapitated head of her android husband, The Vision. My perspective panned out to reveal that the head was sitting on an operating table, in a lab. The lab was dimly lit with a soft, green light, and looked as it would, if someone had simply left for the night. Strewn around the lab, I could see that there was not only the other dismembered pieces of the Vision's body, but that there were also multiple versions of his body - in the same, decimated conditions - lying all over the place.

As my perspective settled on the lab interior, as a whole, I began to see movement in some of the reflective surfaces around the room. I could see brief glimpses of the Scarlet Witch's form - from an arm, in one corner of the lab; to her flowing hair, in another; and a flash of her eyes, in some of the shiny metal equipment, all around. Then, a pair of symbols appeared in a shadowy walkway, which twisted and contorted themselves into a humanoid form, and transformed into Wanda, in full costume. She stared, rather sternly, at the head of Vision that I had first seen, walking over to it. 

She began talking to the head, saying something about how she knew that she wasn't going to be able to keep him in there, forever, explaining (in detail that I can't quite remember) how she had pulled in variants of him from other universes, searching for a "particular" version, which she had - since - been holding in an "illusion," in the conscious mind of his severed head, to keep him busy while she did....something. (I don't remember her purpose.) However, she admitted finding that he was figuring it all out, and she knew that she was going to have to release him. With a wave of her hand, the scattered pieces of The Vision, that belonged to that, particular head, swirled themselves together and stood upright, making him whole. Immediately, now in control of himself, he switched from his robotic form to his human-looking form and gazed back at her, in terror.

The two had a back and forth conversation (though I can't remember much of the actual dialogue), that had something to do with Wanda trying to justify her imprisonment of him as a means to them finding a way back to their relationship, someday. Vision, naturally, did not follow her logic, and he knew that she had broken bad. The next thing I remember, he was doing everything he could to escape her, while she gave chase after him.

Vision scurried out of the lab and into a barren, nighttime landscape that was bathed in red light, as if the moon shone almost as intensely as the sun, but gave off the deep, crimson color of an eclipse. There was a large, dark body of water, nearby - like a lake or river - which looked much like blood under the light of the moon (though I could not see the moon, itself. Incidentally, had this dream on the night of a blood red moon, while at sea, on a cruise). Vision scrambled to get away, and kept looking behind him, to see if she was still chasing him. Suddenly, the entire landscape went black, like someone had flipped off the red moonlight with a switch. Seconds later, two glowing red orbs blazed in the blacked-out environment. The redness of the moon then came back into view, illuminating the landscape and revealing the two orbs to be Wanda's eyes as she'd manifested herself right next to Vision, when the world went dark.

She stood just between him and the lake or river, with her back to the water. Vision faced her, defiantly, and she gave him a sort of pitiful look, implying that she knew he would not be able to simply escape her. Vision basically called her out as "evil," and he said something about her being "only one" witch - possibly implying that he (like Ultron) had the ability to split his consciousness into other systems (a point that wasn't specifically made in the dream, I don't think, but it certainly would have fit the character). The Scarlet Witch scoffed and said something like "oh? Only one?" She, then, raised her hands, gesturing as if performing a silent spell.

There was movement in the dark red water, behind her. A figure slowly emerged, walking upright, out of the lake/river, and stepping fully into view. It was another Wanda. Then, on her opposite side, the same disturbance in the water appeared, and yet another Wanda walked onto the shore. Then, another. And another. More and more copies of the Scarlet Witch came creeping, eerily, out of the dark water, some of them crawling onto the rocky shore, on all fours, like zombies rising from the dead. As if that weren't enough, a larger figure stood straight up, in the shallow water - a giant-sized Wanda - lumbering forward, standing at about 15 feet high. Yet another giant doppelganger came forward, shortly afterward.

Vision found himself staring at an entire army of various versions of Wanda, as they lined up in formation, around the original. Noticeably taken aback by this, Vision tried to steel himself and pushed back, saying that these were just illusions, and even though she could make it look like they were all tangible, he knew that there was only one of her. Hardly fazed by this, Wanda's face twisted in a gesture of pure concentration, and suddenly one of the copies began speaking for her, stating that she was able to share her consciousness, as well. Another Wanda, on her other side, began talking also, finishing the comment, but the voice's inflection seeming as if it was coming from a completely different entity - almost like Ultron speaking through his many, individual, drones. Many of the other Wandas began chiming in, with comments of their own, making it horrifyingly clear that - though they were extensions of her original mind - they were all individual and autonomous versions of her. (It was creepy as hell.)

I believe that Vision gave up the bravado and continued trying to escape, but I woke up shortly after this moment....(or...rather...I thought I did).


(False Awakening)

I "woke up," in the cruise ship cabin's bed. My fiance was sitting up, beside me, awake, and there was a dark-haired woman sitting on the small couch, next to us. At first, I didn't even notice anything strange about the woman being there, as I just began to tell them both about the Scarlet Witch dream I'd been having, and about how crazy and detailed the narrative was. Annoyingly, as I was recalling the experience, the unfamiliar woman kept interrupting me, telling me that nothing I was saying was somehow "shocking" or "unique," and that it was all just rehashing things that were covered in the new "Doctor Strange" movie, of which Wanda was a central character (even though nothing that happened in the dream was actually in that movie)

Frustrated, I started talking down to her about how rude she was being. Then, almost spontaneously, I realized that this was a dream. I caught myself, practically mid-sentence, and scoffed at how I was even wasting my time by trying to argue with her. I blurted out: "you're not even real," dismissing her, as matter-of-factly as I could. She just smirked and stared back at me, challengingly, as if I was talking nonsense. Attempting to prove the point, I held out a hand and focused my mind on her - like I was Darth Vader, trying to lift her from the couch in a Force Choke, with telekinesis. The dream was still very vivid, and nothing seemed to be working, at first. Then, I tried again, concentrating a little less and just trying to "will" it to happened. Instead of lifting her whole body from the couch, though, I saw that her head actually started to come off at the neck!

Having confirmed my suspicion enough, I released my control over the character, and her head lowered back onto its base, the skin of her neck stringing itself back together, seamlessly. Just picking at her, at this point, I began imagining myself pinching at little spots on her face, from afar. I could see the skin being prodded by the fingertips of my mind, until pieces of it started tearing away. It seemed like she was resisting, though, because her skin kept snapping back into place. Eventually, I gave one, solid, telekinetic yank on her face, and her entire face ripped itself free of her skull. However, instead of seeing the gory presence of an exposed skull, beneath, she had another, perfectly intact, face just beneath the original one.

 The woman gave a scowl and I saw the pupils of her eyes transform into reptilian slits. She, then, gave an evil smile, trying to intimidate me. Completely confident, by now, that I was in a lucid dream, I just shrugged at her and snickered at her attempt to continue trying to scare me, when the jig was already up. This obviously embarrassed her, because she simply grunted with disgust, stood up from the couch, and walked out of the room.

Finally, not wanting to lose my recollection of all that had happened, I woke myself up, intentionally.

(It was one hell of a ride. I absolutely loved the horror vibe that they gave Wanda in "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness," and I can see that it left an impression. Haha.)

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