Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Men of Steal" - 8/16/2019

"Men of Steal"

(I don't remember much about this dream, but there was a particular fragment that stood out as extremely tense and cinematic.)

I was Superman, in this dream. There was some scenario going on, where the police force was working against me, though they were trying to be covert about it. Their distrust in me was clear, however I did not know that they were actively trying to take me down, as a threat, and that they were going through ruthless means, to do so.

I found myself in some random hotel room, at night, fully suited-up, and I believe I had originally been invited there by Lois. At some point, a large squad of SWAT officers - also in full gear - showed up. I don't think they exactly busted in, but they were surely unwelcome.

Giving the implication that there was something dire that they wanted to discuss with me, they asked me to have a seat, and I sat down on one of the couches, shelving my criticisms, for now. Lois had either been in a separate room, before they arrived, or they split us up for the purpose of the conversation. I can't remember which. In either case, some of the officers stayed out of view, presumably watching over Lois while the one in charge was breaking something down, to me. I don't remember exactly what the conversation was about, but there became this rising feeling of accusation toward me. Something was not right, and this was beginning to feel more like an interrogation than a discussion.

Increasingly, the air was becoming more and more contentious. My adrenaline started racing, and all of the alarm bells were screaming that something was about to happen. I immediately thought about Lois, knowing that, if something were to go down, this was not somewhere she needed to be. The lead officer seemed to have noticed that my attention had shifted to Lois, because he gave a command for his team to 'proceed,' and I could see a shuffling near the room where Lois was. They were pushing for the exit. I knew, then, that they were attempting to kidnap her - likely to use as leverage against me. That's what this whole thing had been about - a distraction.

Now, way passed annoyed, I was livid. I decisively stood up and made a push for the doorway...and the fight was on.

First, they tried to huddle together and stop me from advancing, which, obviously, wasn't going to work. Even though I was Superman, I wasn't exactly able to toss them away like gnats. It was a bit tougher than expected, but I was definitely pushing through them. Then, they opened fire on me, basically at point blank range. The bullets bounced off of my chest and hands, as I swatted away their rounds and slapped rifles out of a few of their hands. They relentlessly tried to muscle me back to the couch, and I remember specifically attempting to heat-vision one of the cops, direcctly in the face. (Although, it wasn't all that effective, because it felt like one of those "punching through water" kinds of phenomena, that often happen when I'm being excessively brutal in a dream. The result was definitely nerfed.)

Eventually, I fought my way through the swarm of SWAT officers and made it to the hallway, outside of the hotel room. There, I was met with numerous streaks of green light. The police had set up an array of lasers, strung along the hallway, that looked like something you might see as part of a bank security system in an action movie. What I knew, instinctively, was that these lasers were made of kryptonite, and I couldn't just run through them. I had to navigate my way through this laser trap, slipping around them without getting close enough for them to affect me. It was a tedious, frustrating ordeal, but finally made it.

The last thing I remember is rushing out of the hotel and flying over a bay area, searching for the kidnappers. It was dusk, out, and there was a large, shining city in the distance. Down in the waters of the bay, I could see an enormous whale swimming just below me while I hovered in place.

I woke up before ever being able to find them assailants, though.

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