Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Resident Evil: Insurgency" - 06/10/2007

"Resident Evil: Insurgency"

(Damn, I wish I could remember more of this one. It was epic. But, I was about wasted, last night, and tired as hell, so I slept like a rock. 

Apparently, I was a female cop in this dream. The entire dream was set in a massive police station, and was obvoiusly based off of the Resident Evil video game series.)

There was a zombie/monster outbreak, and we were all (the cops) fighting for our lives to survive this huge wave of undead/alien things that had swarmed the station. The station, itself - like all of the settings in the games - was enormous. It even had these underground chambers and tunnels that connected it to a few other buildings in the nearby area. If I'm not mistaken, there was another female that had some sort of control over these creatures and she was like my nemesis - or something - but I don't remember too much of that.

I do recall that, at one point, I had a Heads-Up-Display shift into view, in my perspective, which showed stats and items and would go from green to red, the closer one of the bigger monsters got to me. There was one scene I remember - when the attacks first started happening - where a bunch of the other cops and I were in a break-room area. From down the hall, I could hear explosions and people screaming. When they were getting closer, I could hear a deep voice saying "Booooom!" between explosions. Apparently, along with zombies and other creatures, we were also being attacked by the "Boomers" from the game Gears of War, who carry around triple-barrelled rocket launchers.

When this one came into view, it was standing directly between us and the armory, which held all of the weapons in the station. We all scattered, and I hid behind a section of metal lockers and shelves. From the other side, I could hear the deep-throated "Boooom!" and explosions as the Boomer put the smack down on whichever of the officers couldn't get out of the room in time. It was coming closer, though, and it was soon trying to squeeze between the small space between the wall and shelves that I was hiding behind. I was now cornered behind these lockers (which was strong enough to block the rockets, somehow) and this big, ugly beast was trying relentlessly to muscle and claw its way at me.

Some of the other officers started calling out to the Boomer, to get it away from me and, when it turned to chase them down the hall, I was able to come out from behind the wall and run across the way, to the armory.

I shut the door and began gearing up. I remember grabbing a few handguns, an automatic shotgun, an SMG with a sideways-folding stock and a kevlar vest, just in case.

Then, locked and loaded, I ran back out to join the fight. 

(It was fitting the vest on, over my breasts, that is the only thing I really remember that confirmed that I was a woman, in the dream. The dream was really long and detailed, and I wish I remembered more of a timeline, but it was pretty tight, nonetheless.)

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