Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"The Possessed House" - 10/10/2006 (Lucid)

“The Possessed House”

Some friends and I were in an enormous house. It was, obviously, an old one and made completely out of wood. I can’t remember what we were doing there, but I know that some strange old guy was our host. We hung out in this house throughout the night, it seemed. (This dream lasted freakin' forever. Had some Calea Z and B6 before bed. I should have known I would be just asking for a dream like this...) However, after a while, we’d become aware of the reality that this house was actually possessed. Once all the weird supernatural stuff began happening, our elderly guy went about explaining to us that the house was actually "alive."

There were these huge, organic tendrils, tentacles and all kinds of creepy, slithery shit, just lurking in every dark corner and room, trying to grab us - along with huge insects, the size of everything from large dogs to adult humans, swarming from every nook and cranny. The place was even infested with the “Tremor (movie) worms.” It felt like we were running around that house for hours, trying to find a way out, but the house wouldn’t let us leave. Every exit we would journey toward led to some new, twisted, scenario. One particular door led to a room that seemed to tear away into an infinite void. The floor and walls were broken away, as if that entire section of the house was a doorway to outer-space, itself. We had to struggle to get back to the door and “exit” the room, before we were forever lost in the blackness that was sucking us further away from the doorway and into the void.

Back “inside” the house (or, simply, "out of that room" - however you wanna look at it), we kept on the run, with some of my friends actually being killed when the grasping tendrils, that came from the walls, pulled them further into the house as if it was eating them. Occasionally, I’d see my friends again, after they were “killed,” but I could tell that they weren’t the same. They’d been possessed by whatever it was that also possessed the house, and they, too, would do whatever they could, to keep the rest of us from leaving the home.

FINALLY, after having waaaaaaaay too much of this crap, I started to realize what was going on. The old guy, that was hosting us, was in front of me - just being the creepy old man that he was - and all of a sudden I blurted out “Holy shit, I’m dreaming! I’m dreaming!!” (…Thank God.) He looked at me with an empty look in his eyes and said “No….You’re having a Niiiiiiiiightmaaaaaaaarreee!! and, as he did this, his eyes rolled back in his head and his face got all twisted and distorted and seemed to be melting off of his skull. The large tendrils that had been creeping around through the walls burst out of this man’s body and began spreading out to cover the area. I cocked back my arm and tried to throw some sort of light from my palms, hoping to fry the man’s (now monstrous) form, but nothing was coming out. The B6 and Calea were just making things all too vivid and the situation was too fucking intense. Control didn’t come easy at all. We were on the run again. I had one friend left and we were going all through the hallways trying to find away out. Even though I knew I was dreaming, I couldn’t fight the Calea and B6 and pull my wits together long enough to find a way out of this dream, so we continued to do it the old fashioned way; searching and running. Sooner or later we found ourselves at the beginning of this loooooong hallway. At the end of the hall was a single window….and it was daylight outside.

Just as I’d started to wonder if we were going to be able to make it through the hallway without incident, I could see the tentacles breaking out of the walls and ceiling of the hallway, starting to fill up the space, making a constricting tunnel of grasping arms waiting for us, should we try to reach the window. I remembered a technique I’d been thinking of (while awake) to try out in just this sort of bad dream situation. I was able to focus for just a moment and pushed all my energy outward from my center, straining and growling a little bit to really exert force. My body burst into a blaze of my energy, as if I was a Dragonball Z character, creating a force-field around me. I pushed outward a little more and it started burning all of the things that were trying to reach out and grab us, without harming the friend that was with me. (Which, of course, looks kinda like this ) Protected by this burning glow, I grabbed his wrist and did a forward dash, flying straight for the window, torching away the entire 50-something-yard hallway of shit as we cut through it like a hot knife. We smashed out the other side of the window and landed on a concrete walkway, outside.

It was a foggy, early-morning. This was when I saw that the outside of the house looked like a big, inner-city warehouse or factory. With this moment of relief, I tried to focus and withdraw from the dream one more time. I closed my eyes and tried to pull all my senses back to the waking world. Wrong. When I opened them, the world around me was 150% vivid. Much more than before I’d tried to eject from the dream. I was anchored in that intense dream state that I’ve only experienced through B6 and Calea.

The tentacles were starting to grow back, in the hallway we'd just exited, and they began trying to crawl out of the window, toward us. I jumped off of the walkway and tried to fly out over the yard, but I couldn’t get the speed I was looking for, and it was like trying to move through water, while flying. Thinking of the “Tremors worms,” I think it would be a really bad idea to land on the grass, and that made me start to sink toward the earth. The yard in front of the building was huge, and I had a long way to go before I was out of it. I turned around, hovering, and tried to keep my feet from touching the ground, which was freaking hard. I’d given up trying to get across the yard and ended up…eventually…making it back to the first walkway. I figured it would be a better idea to keep to the concrete and make my way away from this place, since I was having so much trouble in the air.

As we were leaving, a little girl - about 10 years old and wearing a black hoodie, with the hood back - walked down the stairs at the end of the walkway toward us. (I think it was my daughte - a little older than she is now - but I’m not sure, because I don’t remember her being with us while we were running through the house.) She had this ominous look in her eyes as she looked at me, asking my permission (which is what made me think it was my daughter, even more than her appearance) to “take over out here,” as well.

Noting the terminology she used, I could see that the “house” obviously had possession of her. Sternly, I told her “No. You can’t.” She stared at me for a moment, obviously disappointed, and then turned around to walk back in the house. As she did that, she held a hand out, beside her, to trace her fingers along the wall - like little kids do. I noticed then, that - instead of fingers - a few small strings of those familiar tentacles slithered out of the hoodie sleeve and caressed along the wall. With a creepy nonchalance, she slowly walked up the steps and disappeared back into the house.

(That’s all I really remember. There was another sequence that involved going to a house with a bunch of college kids having a party, and getting bad vibes and looks from them. I don’t know if it was the same dream and we went to that house after escaping the first, or if it was a completely different dream all together. Doesn’t really matter, though, because I don’t remember it.)

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