Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Invasion Evasion" - 12/06/2010 (Lucid)

"Invasion Evasion"

(I watched the movie Skyline, for the first time, last night. It was an 'ok' movie, but the visual effects were tight as hell.) The earliest thing I remember was being in a camp-like atmosphere, with a few friends, in a trailer. Someone had a dog - like a lab-mix, or something - and I was playing with her, rubbing her belly. After a short while, the dog began to get really agitated and started glaring at the door. A horrific situation then unfolded, where a person had come to the door and then turned into an alien, and we all had to escape the trailer. I believe we pushed the creature into the bonfire and burned it, but this part of my memory all really hazy.

Sometime after the confrontation, I was alone and running through the streets. This had turned out to be a full-on invasion, and the major attack had already begun. There were larger aliens - dozens of stories tall - walking amongst the buildings and roadways. The city was completely destroyed, by now, and no matter where I went or tried to hide, these things would always find me. The creatures that were too big to fit inside the buildings, would send out these long tentacles (like the ones in the movie), and snake them through the buildings to find me. I ended up dying, over and over, in this dream. Every time the tentacles would find me, they would either pull me back into the main body of the alien, or just splatter me all over the place, wherever I had been hiding.

After respawning a couple of times, I knew I could not remain here, and that I had to get out of the city, so I began to make a bee-line toward the edge of town. I sprinted as long and as hard as my body would allow me - and I remember being able to run for what seemed like miles, without losing steam. However, these tentacles were relentless. An alien could shoot the tentacles from its "hand", and the rope-like appendages would travel to endless distances through the air, to chase their target. As before, I died quite a few more times, while trying to escape the city; simply respawning again at the beginning and continuing to run, taking another route.

There were times that I would try to steal cars, and some of them would have this "gunk" on them. Whenever I drive those cars, the "gunk" would begin to spread around the outside of the vehicle, trying to 'cocoon' the vehicle in this alien sludge. I would see this happening and have to bail out of the car, before the sludge completely encased me inside. What's more, is that some of these droplets of "gunk" would occasionally spring to life and form whole aliens - each maybe 10 feet tall and built like bipedal elephants - which would then join the chase. Running from these things kind of felt like maneuvering through the video game Prototype.

It was like I was the only person in the city, and this entire alien force was centered on me, the whole time. There were just so many of them, and I was beginning to feel hopeless. After having to repeat this scenario, over and over, upon each death, I just wasn't feeling very confident that I would ever get out of this Hell. Suddenly, thankfully, just as despair was kicking in, I realized that this all had to be a dream. I was still on the run, though, as these things just weren't letting up, and anytime they would catch me, they would just annihilate me before I could do anything about it. Still respawning after each death, I took to flying, instead of running. It took me a little while to get up to speed, in my flying, as this dream was very vivid, and I was having a hard time manipulating it. I tried some telekinesis on the pursuing tentacles, but I wasn't able to affect them.

Once I got the hang of flying, though, the flight/chase sequences were absolutely sick. The easiest way I knew to keep my speed up, was to imagine myself as a missile. The thing was, though, that these tentacles were just as fast, so just because I could fly, didn't mean that I was getting out of the city an easier. I was empowered by my lucidity, though, and I was more having fun with it than frantically fleeing for my life, as I had been before. I weaved through the city at breakneck speed, an expanding trail of tentacles, following closely behind me. It was one of those zigging, zagging, dizzying, high-technicality chases that you would see in any major, sci-fi blockbuster - just screaming through the sky, with impossible agility. Sometimes I would land on the street, to gain my bearings - pivoting and then launching off in another direction, just as the tentacles whipped passed me and then arced around to follow once again. I remember being chased at just the same height of some of the tallest rooftops, and then dropping toward the ground, head first, to try to throw off the oncoming appendages.

Eventually, I was going so fast that there was a single moment, where I worried about 'what happens if I'm not able to pull up, in time?' Even though I knew that I was dreaming, I wasn't really looking forward to slamming headfirst, into the street, so I immediately changed trajectory before landing, nearly skimming the ground and then continuing to rocket down the street with the tentacles still keeping pace at every twist and turn. I also recall that the aliens could talk, and that they all spoke with the same voice - as if it were a collective consciousness - which had a tone that reminded me something of the Joker, from The Dark Knight.

I don't really remember whether or not I ever made it out of the city, even after becoming lucid. I don't think so, though

Cross over to my main site!!

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