Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Tap Worms" - 09/17/2021

"Tap Worms"

Some friends and I were hanging out in my old home. We had been casually drinking glasses of tap water from the sink, and really thinking nothing of it, for most of the day. (For context: the water quality where I live, now, isn't great.) At some point, though, we'd begun to notice that there was quite a lot of "trash" floating about in our glasses. Upon closer inspection, we found that there were the tiny, brown worms hanging about, in the water. We immediately dumped whatever we had left in our glasses, disgusted.

Shortly after our discovery, the odd behavior started. First, it was just within my group of friends, with people becoming erratic and frenzied. After dispersing everyone from the home, though, I'd come to find that this had begun affecting other folks in my neighborhood, and beyond. These worms, it was revealed, were part of a hive-mind of parasitic creatures, which bored their way through people's bodies and into their brains, causing them to become infected with treacherous, murderous tendencies. As more of these cases amassed, the worms began growing - and growing - to the point where they were breaking out of the bodies of their hosts and just continuing to expand like pasta noodles from a pressurized grate. Before long, it wasn't safe to be anywhere in town, and those of us who seemed unaffected had resolved to finding a hideaway, far away from town.

We came upon a small church, out in the sticks, and set up a spot to rest and plan our next move. This was a short-lived refuge, though, as more of the worms, already enlarged, began streaming up out of the floor around us. Then, the floor, itself, began cracking open, and what was proven to be an enormous, Lovecraftian mass of tentacles - the apparent base of this superorganism of worms - came breaking its way up from beneath the building. (It reminded me of the monster from Deep Rising.) I had no choice but to jump out of a window, as the creature overwhelmed the church and, soon, began expanding outward until it overtook the entire region, mutilating and consuming everyone caught in its ever-inflating path. Eventually, I, too, was swept up by the creature, and I remember being fed to the toothy, cavernous base within the mass of tendrils. Everything went black.

Suddenly, there was a transition in the dream, and I was back at my old home. Things had, seemingly, returned to normal, though I still had memory of what had happened, before. Immediately after recalling past events, the tentacled monster broke in through the halls of the home, forcing me out of the front door. I ran through the neighborhood, looking back to see the mass of tendrils completely overtaking my house, billowing up through the roof like gigantic strands of hair, undulating in an underwater current.

Panicked, I ran around the corner, passing my older neighbor, F's, home. She saw me passing and came out as if to help me. I gave her the abridged rundown of what was happening, and her face quickly turned stern and serious. She something like: "Run, all you want. You'll never escape. Surrender, now. You'll be dead within 20 minutes, anyway." Her sinister tone was unmistakable, and I could tell that she was possessed. The worms had already begun burrowing through her brain and twisting her thoughts to that of the hivemind. Immediately, I was struck by a sense of hopelessness and defeat. I felt trapped in this, practically circular, series of events. Somewhat apathetically, I submitted to the demand, and said that I was going to go along without a struggle, and my neighbor told me that she was going to take me to meet the source of this monstrous presence, face-to-face. I knew, instinctively, that this was a case of demonic influence, and not something specifically alien. For whatever reason, I agreed to go with her, and got into her car.

Already sitting in her backseat, was another woman - around my age. Apparently, she was another person who had "surrendered," and she was also being taken to the source. We arrived at a towering, high-rise building in the city, and followed F into the elevator. A creeping dread came over me, as we ascended, and I could tell that the other captive was doing the same. We both knew that, no matter what happened during his meeting, we would soon be meeting our demise. Panic, once again, began to take hold.

Shortly after the elevator doors open, the other woman made a break for it, sprinting, full-tilt, toward the large window at the end of the hall, crashing through the glass and plummeting to her death, obviously preferring to face death upon her own terms. Shocked, F turned and looked at me, as if to gauge my reaction. Immediately, I blurted out to her that "That's what I'm going to do, too!" As promised, a dashed down the hallway, sailing through the open window and careening toward the street, far below.

The last thing I remember was a feeling of all-encompassing calm and acceptance, knowing that I was going to die upon smacking into the pavement, but relieved that I would not become a mindless drone of this ravenous demon that we'd just abandoned. Everything went black, during the fall, and I don't remember ever hitting the ground.

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