Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Traffic Stop" - 11/13/2019

"Traffic Stop"
Dream #2

I was visiting what appeared to be another country, at night, roaming about the city streets with a group of people. There was reporting and discussion of rampant human trafficking, in this region, though it was still a bustling area. Even at night, there were a lot of people wandering around the city. While inside what I believe was a small store, in some sort of mall, a little girl, within our group, ended up getting snatched from right under our noses. The crowd was alerted to the girl being carried away by a woman with blonde hair, running toward the exit. Instinctively, I began sprinting after the kidnapper, seeing her shove the little girl into a car (which happened to be parked inside the mall, instead of outside) and start to speed away.

Still chasing after the car, on foot, as it crashed through the mall to make its getaway, I was somehow able to catch up to the vehicle, leaping forward and grabbing onto the rear bumper and being, practically, dragged across the floor while trying to climb up onto the trunk. Just as I was getting up near the rear window of the rag-top convertible, the driver smashed through a partially closed loading door, ripping the convertible top off of the car and knocking me backward. Clearly, I would have been thrown to the ground, had a not been able to grab a sliver of the shredded fabric that came loose from the vehicle's rooftop.

Now, careening through the streets, the woman continued to smash into seemingly everything in sight, trying to make her escape, while I climbed up the rear of the now-topless car. Upon climbing into the backseat, I noticed a had a small, metal bat in my hand. (I don't know whether I picked it up, during the chase through the mall; it was already in the backseat of the car; or it just "appeared" in my hand. Either one is possible.) When I stood up, behind the driver's seat, I could see the little girl, cowering over in the passenger's seat. Without hesitation or thought, I just began bashing the blonde woman driving, in the head, with the bat - repeatedly. She resisted, as long as she could, but then ended up crashing the vehicle on the side of the road, seemingly unconscious. With bat still in hand, I grabbed the little girl and we ran to the nearest building.

(This part got pretty hazy...) I believe the building to be something like a movie theater. While trying to figure out how to get the girl back to actual safety, we were attacked by an enormous man, who we found to be either an associate of the blonde woman, or just another human trafficker. I remember our fight ending up in one of the bathrooms, and I still had the bat with me, so - though I don't remember many of the details, I do know that I took the guy out, and I distinctly remember telling the girl "Let's get out of her, before Frankie wakes up, again.." (reference to Frankenstein, due to the guy's size.) 

We ran out of the (alleged) theater, and I immediately spotted the blonde woman, coming up the street, toward us. She was holding her head and staggering, as if she was seconds away from passing out, again, and I could see that she hadn't seen us, yet, but she was obviously walking with purpose, as if she knew we were close by, and she had plans to get even.

Not knowing whether or not the woman might have had a gun, the last thing I remember is clutching the little girl and hiding behind a large, stone column, outside the entrance, while the woman crossed from one side of the street to the other, searching for us.

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