Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"UFO, EMP, WTF" - 01/13/2011


I had been hanging out with a few friends. JH was there, and there were a couple of girls along with us. We'd spent most of the night just partying and getting into a lot of shit we weren't supposed to be. I remember being in a garage, sitting in the passenger seat of a car, and one of the girls from the back seat slithered up front to sit on my lap. Looking back, though, I can't say that this was a girl that I actually knew in waking life.

Later, we were supposed to be headed to a house party but, when we got there, it was completely abandoned. It was the middle of the night, and there were still a couple of cars outside, even though there was apparently nobody home. Ultimately, not caring that the place was deserted, we all just decided to hang out there, anyway, and have our own little party. So, we started just hanging out and getting hammered in the abandoned home. The whole thing seemed completely wrong, though. Everything was dark and ominous, and the house itself had a really run-down, horror movie type of feel to it, as if it was a cross between the Bates Motel (Psycho) and Springwood High School (A Nightmare on Elm Street). Even though we were trying to disregard it - and having a grand ol' time doing so - there was still this foreboding feeling that we just shouldn't be there.

After some period of time, we were all outside. The house was somewhat in the sticks, and even though there was a least one neighbor nearby, there were acres and acres of open land around us. Suddenly, in the dead of night, we heard the electronic whir of some sort of aircraft above us. We looked overhead and there was a small cluster of about three spot lights beaming down, through the clouds, and sweeping over the house and surrounding area. The machine was hovering, just too high above the mist for us to make out its shape. Still, it was easy to see that it was like nothing I'd ever witnessed. Just as suddenly, a convoy of military vehicles roared onto the scene, tearing through the grassy field beside us, and apparently chasing the flying vehicle, which had shifted off to the clearing behind the house. There was something huge going on, and we weren't even sure if we were allowed to be on this property. We figured that it would probably be best to get the Hell out of the area, before the military decided to come back, and 'interrogate' any witnesses. However, when we tried to start the cars, they were all dead. Everything electronic was dead. Initially, we figured, that thing in the sky had triggered some kind of EMP, and that we were now stranded. (Didn't realize that this didn't explain how the military was able to drive in across the field. Oh well.)

The next thing I knew, it was the following morning. I vaguely remember waking up in a friend's car. We were trying to leave again, and this time, the car actually started. The only thing left was for me to check my car...which was nowhere to be found. I exploded into panic, jumping out of the car and scoping around for mine. JH suggested that I might have parked it around back, with some of the others (and, now that I think of it, I don't even remember having my car, at the beginning of the dream, so this panic attack I was having was completely nonsensical. Haha.). I went around the side of the house, and into the back yard. There were a a few cars back there, but most of them looked run down, and mine was nowhere in sight. I'd gone back around to the front of the house and found the rest of the group in the garage. They were tending to the girl who had been with JH, and she was, apparently, very sick. She had these mysterious bruises that just showed up, all over her body, and there was suddenly blood all over the portion of the car where she was sitting, which was unmistakably hers. Everybody was freaking out, because this girl was visibly getting worse, by the moment. I was immediately reminded of the parasitic vines in the movie The Ruins, and I couldn't help but think that this girl had them crawling around beneath her skin. If she was somehow infected with these parasites, we were all in grave danger, and we had to get out of there. Like Now.

There simply wasn't enough room for all of us to drive off in the only car that we had (there seemed to be more of us there than when we arrived), so I knew we needed some other mode of transportation. I ran back around to the rear side of the house and started looking for a car that might actually start. There was a really dope-looking, customized Camaro, but it turned out to be a complete junker that simply didn't run. Another car, which seemed suitable from afar, suddenly morphed into a child's Power Wheels type of toy, as I got closer. Finally, I came across another car, which looked a lot like mine, except that it was a convertible and a different color. We somehow got it started, piled ourselves into both vehicles, and drove away to try to get some medical attention for the girl's presumably alien affliction.

That's all I remember.

Cross over to my main site!!

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