Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Knife-Point Turn" - 10/26/2020 (Lucid)

"Knife-Point Turn"

My girlfriend and I were sitting in my car, parallel-parked on the side of a city street. After a short while, I noticed a figure come into view, just outside the passenger window - her side. A tall black dude was shuffling calmly toward us, just about to reach her door, and I could see that he was holding a large machete in one hand.

Immediately, I slammed the shifter into reverse and sped backward, away from the man, just as he had been lifting his free hand toward her door. Then, I stopped, turned the car around, and we drove off in the opposite direction. We didn't get far, before I could see that the man was closely tailing us in a car of his own, which led to an insane car chase through the busy roadways, having to constantly brake and swerve around all of the pedestrians that were meandering around the city in abundance. I remember drifting through a chain-link fence, once, and then missing a hard left turn which caused me to skid into a 180-degree reversal, before whipping the wheel around and doing a J turn to continue on down the road upon which we'd been traveling.

After twisting through a few more turns, we ended up losing our pursuer in a warehouse district, taking a moment to pull over and get our bearings once I was fairly certain that he wasn't behind us. Unexpectedly, the car chase seemed to have made my girlfriend a little...excited. Visibly elated at our having survived the experience, I remember her screaming out: "You're So Cool!!" and leaning over in her seat to start kissing and rubbing her hands all over me. She slipped her left foot over the center console and intertwined her leg with mine, getting fully into the mood despite the fact that I was still just trying to focus on making sure we weren't in anymore danger.

Then, I heard a tapping sound, coming from her other side. I looked passed her and saw the attacker from before, clicking his machete, nonchalantly, on the open window frame to get our attention. I could see that the machete was very ornate - customized with silver studs and what I think was a chain-wrapped handle. Again, I tried to put the car into gear and drive off, but my girlfriend's leg was still wrapped around mine, and she was just so pumped by the whole situation that she didn't even want to move it and let me drive us out of there! (Lol.) Unable to go anywhere, in our current position, we decided just to give the man some of our stuff so that he would leave us alone. She reached into her purse and pulled out something - though I couldn't see what it was - and gave it to him with a dismissive scowl. I reached into my pocket, to see if I had anything with which to appease him, and he caught sight of my cellphone, leaving the passenger side and coming around the front of the car, toward my side, to take it. 

As he walked around the car, I was finally able to dislodge my leg from my girl's, and was just about to throw the car into reverse, again, when I realized that we were blocked in by two cars that I hadn't even noticed before that moment. Apparently, our attacker wasn't alone, as a group of men flung open my girlfriend's door and dragged her out of the car, the man with the machete saying that they'd be taking her, as well.

I jumped out of the car, the moment he turned his back, and I began to chase them into one of the warehouses as they dragged her away. Unfortunately, though, I was never able to get up to an actual run. (Common "dream sluggishness.") They were always about 30 yards, or so, ahead of me, no matter how hard I pushed myself to catch up. I believe it was my becoming aware of this sluggishness, that allowed me to begin to suspect I was dreaming, because I reached my hand out and tried to "will" the kidnappers to stop. It was having no effect, at first, but then I tried to focus on only one guy - the one who was still the closest to me. I curled my fingers into a fist and sort of pulled on an invisible rope, toward me, trying to get the guy to stop. Eventually, I was able to make his legs start wobbling. He found himself unable to walk right and sort of wobbled off to one side, out of the way. 

Feeling a bit more confident in my pursuit (but still not fully aware that I was dreaming, despite being able to do telekinesis), I continued to follow the group of men as they pulled my girlfriend into some storeroom at the back of the warehouse. When I pushed myself into the room, I was surprised to see that there were a lot more men inside than had been involved in the chase, and they had all been waiting in the tiny room in order to ambush me. I knew that I was about to get beaten into oblivion.

They guy who'd had been wielding the machete stepped smugly up to me, and this was the first time I'd noticed just how big he was. He towered over me, looking down on me like some video game boss. I could feel my adrenaline racing, and just when I was beginning to think that there was no way out of this, it finally happened. I realized that this had to be a dream! Before I really even had a chance to adjust to the realization, the big guy cocked back one fist and was about to let it fly. In a sudden, defiant impulse, I squared up to him and put my face directly in the path of the oncoming punch. His fist slammed into my face and stopped, as if I was made of granite. I'm not even sure if I felt it, at all.

Grinning, ear to ear, I looked at him and said: "Ok. My turn," and, with him being as tall as he was, I had no trouble launching a fist out and smashing him square in the nuts with it. He crumbled to his knees, and I let fly with the other first, cracking him in the temple with a hook that sent him sprawling to the floor. 

Everyone else in the room froze and stared, speechless. Considering them all an afterthought, by this time, I waved my girlfriend over to me, and her captors let her go. She took my hand and as we walked out the door, I remember threatening to come back and pound on the rest of those guys, if I couldn't find anything else entertaining to do with the rest of my dream. Stepping out of the small room was the last thing I could remember, though.

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