Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Bridge Jumping" - 5/13/2008 (Lucid)

"Bridge Jumping"

Tony, Ryan and I were simply having a ball, jumping off an enormous bridge - a couple of hundred feet high - and into a river or lake, below. After splashing down, we'd then have to climb this long, ridiculously steep boat ramp back up to the top. At one point, I jumped and plunged down a little too far underwater. I was running out of air, and didn't know how much further it was to the surface. In a panic reaction, my body forced me to inhale. I could breathe!
I was instantly lucid. Ryan and Tony had jumped down, again, and were now in the murky water with me. Ryan (being the antagonizing fabrication of my subconscious that he was) all of a sudden just bust out with: "What are we going to do if some huge sea creatures or sharks come along??"

Refusing to be phased by my brain trying to freak me out, I calmly replied: "Well, I don't know about you, but I'll just do this," and I rose up out of the water, hovering with my feet just a few inches over the surface of it. While in the air, I saw the dark silhouette of some sort of creature swimming beneath the water, not far from where my friends were. I was just kinda like "Oh, f**k that..." and tried not to imagine myself falling back underwater. I was having a hard time keeping myself floating, suddenly, so I hovered over toward the shoreline. I was lucid, sure, and trying to be brave about it, but I still didn't like the idea of swimming around with some unidentified dream creatures.

I couldn't remember anything else, though.

Cross over to my main site!!

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