Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Psycho-Science Incorporated" - 04/19/2021 (Lucid)

"Psycho-Science Incorporated"

(There were a lot of parallels between the building in this dream, and the AAA Headquarters building, where I previously worked. It was a large, scenic office building, shared by two associate entities, with a sort of mirrored architecture, where the front and back sides of the building were almost identical. I'd also fallen asleep after playing some Final Fantasy VII Remake, which my girlfriend rightly acknowledged might have influenced the whole "bio-engineering" aspect of the dream.)

Working in the "front side" of this expansive office building, in this dream, my crew and I really hadn't much knowledge of what went on in the company that shared the opposite end of the complex. I remember vague footage of them having a mysterious CEO who was known for going on these periodic "retreats," where he would just disappear for a while, with no contact with the rest of the world. Not long after one of these announcements had been made, I found myself having to get around to the back side of the building (for some reason I can't remember), and deciding to just walk through the other company's office space, instead of going around the entire perimeter, outside.

I pushed in the two, heavy doors that separated us via a connecting hallway, and immediately stepped into a large, white room (which looked a lot like some of the broader phone rooms in the AAA building). Trying not to make too much of a spectacle of myself, I quickly shuffled through the room, toward the far wall, maybe 50 yards away from where I'd entered. It was only when I was about halfway through the room that I began to take notice of my surroundings and the employees within it. Each employee was standing at their own podium, in paralleled formations on opposite sides of the room. They were wearing lab coats and each working on their own specific projects. The further that I got into the room, the more I began to take in what it looked like they were doing.

On each podium was some sort of grotesque, bio-engineering experiment. Everything from animals to human babies were being unceremoniously dissected and spliced with other organisms or mechanizations. I was so stunned by what I was seeing, that by the time I'd progressed to a reasonable level of concern, I was already on the far side of the large room, and in front of the elevator. Not 100% sure that I walked into it on my own accord, I'm feeling more that I was sort of ushered, hurriedly into the elevator. Whatever the case, it was taking me down (into what would have been the parking garage, at my old job).

When the elevator door opened, I was in a dimly-lit, industrial area. It took a moment - and a few steps inside - before I realized that this wasn't a parking garage, at all. There was a sense of dread, here, as I looked around, spotting blood-stained walls and steel-barred holding stations. Still in a state of shock, my feet were carrying me around this room, even though I instantly knew that I shouldn't be here. It wasn't until a few moments later, that I began to notice the severed body parts and other human remains that were strewn about the ground. This place was a dungeon, and it was a thousand times worse than anything I was seeing on the surface. Just when I was finally about to make my turn to get the hell out of this place, I was cornered by some agency employees, standing between me and the elevator. Once I made it blatantly clear to them that I was going to be leaving this place - one way or another - the employees brought in backup. That backup came in the form of a grizzly bear-sized human / dog chimera; it was a disgusting-looking creature that resembled a gigantic, human baby with pale, hairless skin and facial features that looked like they were constantly mutating from human, to dog - and back again - like molding clay which was constantly being sculpted as the creature stepped passed the line of employees and lumbered toward me.

I can't quite recall how violent the encounter was, but I know that I was able to fight like Hell and was soon scrambling into the elevator and making my way back up to the ground floor. Once back in the large, main room, I shuffled quickly across the office / lab, trying to keep a low profile, despite my state of terror, but I could clearly see the more-menacing stares coming from the other employees as they looked up at me from their experiments. 

Only slightly relieved to be out of that lab, I was able to make it back to my company's portion of the building, frantically trying to explain to everyone about the evil, twisted corporation we shared space with. No one seemed the slightest bit interested, though. However, at some point during my ranting, I realized the absurdity of the entire situation. Eventually, I realized that this was all a dream and became lucid.

As is often the case, when I become lucid during some sort of "big bad" situation such as this, I began to set my mind on walking right back into that office and laying waste to their entire operation. Sure, I knew it was just a dream, but that's a level of satisfaction that I can rarely turn down. This time, instead of walking through the building, I decided to go around the perimeter and approach the other company from the outside. Apparently, though, many of my coworkers had gotten intrigued by my mission, and they'd formed a very large entourage behind me which, oddly, included my mother and one of my cousins. I wasn't sure what kind of Hell was going to break loose, once I started to storm this place, so I tried to lead the pack and get the rest of my dream character posse to hang back, while I scoped things out. My mother and cousin, though, especially, seemed a little too gung-ho and started trying to rush their way inside and to the nearest elevator. 

Despite my warnings, they hopped into the elevator, and I ran in with them. We were taken back down to the basement. The first thing I saw, once we stepped into the dungeon-esque holding facility, was an employee mutilating a young woman who seemed to be coming off of her sedative. The coat-clad man was taking a saw to one of her legs and just mercilessly grinding away on it, tearing through the flesh and bone as she wailed in agony. The intensity of the scenario kept making me lose focus and forget that I was dreaming, prompting us to get caught by armed guards and taken to what looked like a small classroom or presentation room, surrounded by men with rifles. While being shoved down into a seat, I began to suspect, again, that I was dreaming. Motioning toward a nearby chair with a point of my index finger, I attempted to move the chair with my mind. It took a couple of discrete attempts, but I was able to nudge it with telekinesis, confirming to me, once again, that I was dreaming.

Immediately, I reached my hand out in front of me and focused on one of the armed men across the room, snatching the rifle out of his hand with telekinesis and pulling it over to me. When I caught the weapon and began to fire upon all of the guards, the gun was shooting large, plastic cannon balls, with heavy *chunk* *chunk* sounds, like the cannon games you might find at a carnival game booth. With this gun being pretty much harmless, I tried to snatch an even more high-tech looking gun from another guard, from yards away. Once I caught his gun, I could see that it was actually just a high-tech video camera. Finding it useless, I simply decided to rely on my telekinesis and starting throwing guards this way and that, around the room, while all of my tag-alongs escaped.

We fanned out through the office building, trying to find the exit, ending up near the expansive, wall-length windows that I had seen, upon my first entry into the lab - though it was now dark, outside. Unable to find a door to let us out, I walked over to one of the windows and slid one finger across it, trying to slice my way through the glass like a razor. As vivid as this dream was, though, I was unable to gain that level of control. Instead, I placed both hands upon the glass and began to vibrate them quickly, attempting to shatter the glass, rather than cutting through it. This was much easier, and a large panel of the glass wall smashed to the floor, allowing us all to flood out into the parking lot. 

We all converged on our side of the building, and I began to lose lucidity again while we talked about our experiences inside. One girl - sobbing - said "look what they did to me!" She, then, held up her bloody, severed forearm, showing that they'd already began chopping her up, as they'd done the other girl that I'd seen in the basement. Suddenly, more armed guards came streaming out of the building and opened fire on our entire group. We scattered, once again, and I'd happened to catch a glimpse of the CEO from earlier in the dream, watching us - discretely - from atop a bicycle, beneath a nearby tree, as if he'd just been observing this whole ordeal. Remembering his face from before, I once again remembered that this was all a dream. My lucidity had returned, and the last thing I remember was - once again - storming back over to the building and the armed guards now waiting outside, with the intention to continue to take them on.

Cross over to my main site!!

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