Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Spider-sitter" - 7/18/2019


(I don't really remember very much of this one, but it certainly left an impression.)

In this dream, I was in an absent friend's bedroom, apparently charged with taking care of their pet spider. What I came to find out was that this spider-was gigantic. It was easily the size of a small dog, with legs at least 12 inches or longer. (It was also much less cuddly than the one in the header pic. Lol.) For some reason, I wasn't the least bit afraid of this monstrous creature, and I didn't seem to have any issues with the fact that I'd been giving the responsibility of watching over it.

Eventually, though, the giant spider had breached its cage and was trying to scurry away.

Before even thinking, I lunged at the spider and grabbed it in both hands, knowing that - if I had let it out of my grasp, even for a moment, it might get away faster than I would be able to track it down. The moment I picked it up, the spider's legs began flailing around, desperately looking for something to grip onto. They continuously thumped against my forearms, trying to run up my arms and to my torso, but I continue to hold it at arms length. (That is what actually stayed with me, more than anything else in the dream: the feeling of this huge spider's legs trying frantically to crawl up my arms. It's enough to make my skin crawl, just thinking about it, now.)

I pulled the spider back over to its cage and shoved it inside, closing the door and latching it. Immediately, though, I noticed that the cage had a large hole in the back side of it, and the spider instantly scurried through it, trying to run away into the notably-cluttered room. I lunged over the cage, again, tackling the spider and holding it up in my hands. Again, its legs flicked all over my arms as it tried to escape. 

Looking for something else to hold it, I found an empty pillow that was just big enough to hold the creature. All I remember, from the rest of the dream, is trying - unsuccessfully - to shove this thing into the pillow case. It was like trying to give a cat a bath in a small sink - a huge; hairy; disgusting-looking, 8-legged cat. 

(Again, just the fact that it was a huge spider didn't seem to bother me, in the dream, but I woke up pretty disgusted by the whole thing. Lol.)

Possible Influence: My girlfriend and I have recently started watching Black Mirror, and have been jumping around between episodes. One of the last ones we watched was about a virtual reality experience that involved a recurring encounter with a giant spider-creature. Shortly afterward, I had rid my garage of a large spider, so I guess big spiders were in my brain, which is never a good time. Lol.

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