Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Vamps vs Lycans" - 05/10/2009

"Vamps vs. Lycans"
Dream #1 

(I went to sleep trying my AVID method of dream incubation, watchin/listening to the movie Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. I didn't get lucid, but I did have a related dream, so the incubation was successful, at least.)

I was a vampire in the dream, but not the strictly humanoid-looking vamps. There was a whole community of us, and we could transform into giant, bat-like creatures, kind of like Marcus, from Underworld: Evolution. It was just barely dusk, and we were all out in the woods. We got word that the lycanthropes were coming to battle us and, shortly after learning of their advance, they were streaming in from all angles. Immediately, the scene erupted into chaos, and we transformed and went into battle. There was a lot of slashing and biting, but I don't remember too much of the intricate details of the fight. I do remember that I had a wife and son, somewhere in the fray, and I had to try to keep them out of harm's way, as much as I could. At one point during the attack, I was knocked into a small pond, which gave me added anxiety, because I didn't know what kind of mythical beasts I would encounter in the water. (It was almost a waking-level fear of what "could be" under the surface.) The water was dark and murky, and I knew I had to get out as quick as I could. Almost frantically, I scrambled out of the (seemingly more-treacherous) pond and went back into the fray.

My wife had our son in her arms and was trying to get away to safety. Before I could get back over to them, they, too, were knocked into another small pond. Leaving the escalating battle, I ran over to them and she gave me her hand. I was pulling them out, when I heard her scream (or give an animalian shriek. I can't remember), and she was yanked out of my grasp and back into the water. Something had a hold of her. I jumped into the water, and saw that there was a long, bone-plated serpent creature pulling them under. I jumped on it and began wrestling with it, forcing it to let go. With my arms around it, I managed to drag it up and out of the water, then I swung the entire length of the beast up over my head, and back down at the ground with such a force that it landed flat, shattering all of its exoskeleton and dying on impact.

We were grossly outnumbered by the lycans, though, and had to retreat from the battle.

Later, we found ourselves in a more civilized location. We had returned to our human forms and were, somehow, able to walk around in the daylight. I can't remember exactly what happened here, but some woman (my wife, in human form, I think - not sure though) was used as bait to try to trap me. We were near a boat dock, and the lycans had shown up again. I still can't remember how it happened, but the woman and I were knocked off of the dock and into the water. While underwater, I sprouted my wings and swam to the surface, flaring them out of the water and lifting myself into the air. I saw no sign of the woman coming up, so I dove down toward the water like a seagull diving for fish, reaching out and grabbing her hand, and then flapping my wings to raise us both out of the water again.

I placed her down on the dock, landed, and ran back in to continue this second fight with the lycans, and that's all I can remember.

Cross over to my main site!!

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