Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"They All Fall Down" - 08/16/2021 (Lucid)

"They All Fall Down"

(I have been taking in a little mugwort, melatonin and valerian root, before bed, lately, and I've been having far more vivid and lucid dreams. This was one in a trend of clear and stable lucids I've had, recently, and seemed to stretch on for a noticeable while.)

The earliest thing I remember, in this dream, is that I was watching the movie "Little Monsters," in someone's crowded home, and that people kept trying to sit down in the same chair I was in - a chair that was obviously not meant for more than one person. Random people would constantly sit themselves down on one side of me, and then keep scooting over, more and more, until I was practically falling off of the chair. After a while, I just got irritated with it and got up from where I was sitting.

I walked outside, to the patio, where there were more people scattered about. This was obviously a party or cookout, or something, and folks were just hanging around in the yard and on the patio furniture. The dream was very realistic, and I spent quite a while just talking to some of the others - whom seemed familiar, but I could not tell if they were friends or family. Eventually, though, during the idle chit-chat, I started to realize that this was all a dream. Testing the suspicion, I brought a hand up over the wooden picnic table and focused on a mug, levitating it with telekinesis. A young girl, nearby, marveled at the trick, so I kept doing more, flourishing with my lucid powers as if I was a stage magician. A few of the others stopped to watch, before I eventually went back inside the house, to find something else to do.

Finding my way to the kitchen, I noticed something on the floor, practically wedged behind the door. It was about the size of a basketball, and it took me a moment to figure out that it was a human head. It belonged to a blonde woman who seemed to be, maybe, in her 50's, and the weirdest thing was that it didn't seem like it was a decapitated head. It was still attached to the body which, apparently, continued down through the floor, as if she was stuck in the ground, up to her neck, like a "clipping" issue, in a video game. What's more, is that she didn't really seemed to be bothered by this. Though she just kind of stared, idly, at the back side of the kitchen door, I could tell that she was very much alive, and she looked  more bored with her situation than distressed. Using my telekinetic control, I "pulled" her upward and out of the ground, revealing the rest of her body.

Her body, though, didn't seem to be in the same condition. When I phased her up and out of the floor, it was as if I had pulled a rotting corpse from a vertical grave. I could see that, when I looked back at her face, it had began to bruise and wither, as if it, too, was starting to rot. Just slightly disturbed by this, I gave another wave of my hand and "willed" her to return to a more normal appearance, which worked, almost effortlessly. With an arguably-flirtatious smile, she said "oh, you're good," and I just smiled in return and opened the fridge, beside her, to see what was inside. I pulled out a translucent bin that was filled with the rotting remains of half-eaten fruits and vegetables. Feeling a little "Dr. Strange" inspired, I waved my hand again, and willed the fruits and veggies to refresh themselves, and the bin began to replenish itself as the food items started regenerating as if they were being 3D printed.

Leaving the kitchen, I remember spending some time walking around the house, doing more idle tricks, here and there. I began to remark at how vivid the dream was, and how grounded I felt to it, even without having to do any stabilization gestures. Out of curiosity, though, I decided to look at my hands, just to see how they would appear, in a dream that was already this detailed. As expected, they looked just like they would in waking life - all fingers were present, and in perfect shape. The only difference, though, is that I had single strands of bright green light strung between each of my fingers. I also recall picking up an ink pen from an end table, and flicking it through a nearby window pane, as if it were a bullet from a gun. At one point, I told some of the house occupants about this being a dream and about them being characters within it, but I don't remember their reactions. 

I made my way out of the front side of the house and started walking down the sidewalk, meandering about and interacting with the neighbors, still feeling rather explorative and allowing the dreamscape to take me wherever it might. The longer I walked through the neighborhood, the more I could see that the neighbors were kind of "gathering." There was a palpable tension in the air, and all of the neighbors seemed to be streaming in one direction, as if the entire crowd was being led to some sort of event. I could hear a few of them talking, and there was, apparently, about to be some sort of clash with either another neighborhood, or some other kind of faction that these people were all united against. Curious, still, I decided to follow along with the crowd, to see what was going on.

The group began to file into a narrow, slum-esque alleyway, and I could see that there was another large group of people that was approach the front of our crowd. The tension was steadily rising, and I could tell that - for whatever reasons - these people were about to absolutely lay into each other. Close to the front of my group, I could see the two sides beginning to aggressively converge, and the moment the two crowds collided, all hell broke loose. Fists began flying, and gunfire filled the air. Military vehicles could be seen, speeding toward my group, from the other side. This was quickly turning into a major battle, and the vehicles coming in did not seem like they were going to stop, and they were set on mowing down our group, which was already firing back with everything they had. 

Feeling like I was now at the epicenter of this intensifying collision, I suddenly threw both arms out - one in the direction of either crowd - and sent out a forceful, telekinetic "push" - a wave of force that threw the people of each faction back, away from each other, and crushed the oncoming vehicles to a stop, as if they'd hit a concrete wall.

Quite satisfied with this move, I smiled as the bewildered dream characters, from both sides, gathered around in wonder, at what I'd just done. They were absolutely astonished at this "power," that I had, and I started to show off a bit, picking a few random people up with telekinesis and setting them back down gently. I talked to them about how this was all a dream, in order to gauge their reactions, which was pretty much the standard level of disbelief that I normally get when having this conversation with dream characters.

It was then, though, that I began to notice people falling down.

I would glance from one person to another, confused to see their eyes roll back in their heads, and they would simply drop to the ground, as if all of the life had been instantly ripped from them. Each direction I turned, another person would "go white" and then drop. The dream was still so vivid, that I could even see the redness in the bloodshot corners of their eyes, even after all of the color had rolled back into their skulls. I started to walk forward, wondering what was going on, and the bodies continue dropping, in a wave formation, as if being within a certain range of me simply flipped a switch and turned them into lifeless husks. It got to the point where, seemingly, with every step I took, another dozen people in front of me would, instantly, go white in the eyes and then drop to the ground.

Before long, I was the only one still standing in the alley.

(There was little else that I could remember, after that point. I vaguely recall their being mention, somewhere, of some entity being behind this phenomenon, but I don't remember whether I was still lucid, when I heard that, or from where I heard it, exactly. It was just a hazy fragment that stuck with me, after I woke.)

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