Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Octopus Hell" - 11/08/2006 (Dream Chain) (FA)

“Octopus Hell”
(Dream Chain)

 (That does it! NO MORE B6 and Calea, together, before bed! I’ve had nothing but bad experiences with the mixture, so I think it’s time to give it a rest for a while. Although, It seems I've said this more than once. Lol. 

This was a chain of 3 dreams. Each of them started differently, and after a period of wakefulness, so I'll count them as 3 separate dreams, with 1, recurring theme.)

Dream #1

So this dream started off in some sort of bar/restaurant. A friend of mine (who isn’t a friend I think I have in waking life) was the chef there and he was making calamari. However, instead of using squid, he was using these little octopi. (I wonder what’s up with the octopus dreams, lately?) So, one of these damned octopi (That’s such a weird word. Haha. Anyway…) that was probably about 4 inches high - when walking on tentacles that were, probably, a good 10 inches long - escaped from the cutting board and scurried down onto the floor. Fast little bastard too. So, the chef is like “Grab it!” and I went over to step on it, hard enough to hold it in place with my foot, but too soft to kill it.

The moment I'd put my foot down, this slimy, boneless thing immediately wrapped its tentacles up and around my shoe and squeezed its body out from under my foot. Then, without giving me a moment to process what was happening, it ran straight up my pants leg!

I was like “WHAT THE F*CK! GET IT OUT!!”

(Keep in mind, I’m on Calea and B6. This thing running up my leg was one of the most vivid - and unpleasant - sensations I have EVER had in a dream.)

I tracked the bulge moving quickly up the leg of my pants (I was wearing black jeans, so even though it was hard to see, it could feel exactly where the creature was moving), and I gripped it from the outside with my one hand. Holding this thing in place, while trying to figure out a way to get it out of my pants< was an equally unpleasant feeling as its tentacles were gripping viciously to my leg, trying to get traction and get out of my grasp.

What’s even worse is that, while holding onto it, the damn thing bit my hand with its beak, through my pants leg.

(Yes, octopi have beaks….and, all joking aside, it freaking HURT….BAD. It was like someone driving a staple into my index finger.)

Somehow, I was able to push this thing down to my ankle and yanked it out from within my pants. I threw it on the floor and the bitch flipped over and came straight after me, followed by another octopus that had escaped while we were trying to deal with the first one. I was practically tripping over myself trying to back away from them and I think the first one found its way back up the leg of my pants, but I woke up shortly after that.

(It was only 3am, so I knew I had to get back to sleep.)


Dream #2 

I remember much less of how this one started, but I think we were in someone’s kitchen. If I’m not mistaken, I was fixing myself something to eat and I went over to the fridge. I opened the fridge, to look inside, and (you guessed it) the Goddamned OCTOPUS jumps out, onto the floor, latches onto my foot, and runs up my pants leg before I even have time to think!

Again, I stop the thing before it can get up to my crotch by grabbing it from the outside of my pants - this time with both hands, I think - and the damned thing bites me AGAIN! (and, again, it hurt like all Hell.)

I woke up shortly after that.

(I know there was more to the dream but it’s been about 5 hours now, so it’s mostly gone. Anyway, I checked the clock when I woke up. Only 5am. At this point, I was reeeaally hesitant about going back to sleep. I was thinking to myself “It’s only an hour and change. I can just stay up.” But nah. I was too tired, still, and I’m not one to miss out on a few more mins of sleep, if I can help it. Soo…I drifted back off to sleep.)


Dream #3
(False Awakening)

This one actually began as a false awakening. I’d looked at the clock, and it was like 8:05am. I was mad late for work. So I jumped out of bed and started getting ready for my day. It seemed that a good friend of mine, B, had stayed the night in the guest room (in the dream). My little cousin, T,  was in the house, also. As I was getting ready for work, I started telling them about these messed up dreams I had, about the octopi crawling up my leg. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, as I’m explaining the dream, the same damn octopus comes scurrying across the floor toward me. I’m like “F*ck! NOOOOO!” and the only thing I could think about was not letting that little bastard crawl up my leg. (There’s a damned good chance I could have gotten lucid because of this whole scenario, but it was just too vivid, and the octopus had, honestly, freaked me out to the point where realizing it as a dream sign just didn’t freakin matter anymore.)

I don’t think it got a hold of me this time, though, and I woke up shortly after that.

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