Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"The Governmatrix" - 10/20/2009

"The Governmatrix"
Dream #1

I was touring the White House with my family, being ushered around, from room to room, and just taking it all in. In one particular room, we passed a large display case with a bunch of beautiful little trinkets on the shelves. I'd hung to the back of the group and, when no one was looking, I had the bright idea to swipe a glass (or crystal?) egg off its base, and shove it into my pocket. (Totally outside of my waking life character, by the way!) We continued walking, and we passed what was actually a guitar shop....inside the White House. (Random!) There was a really cool, hippie-esque guy that ran the shop and made the guitars. He had one, custom guitar that was made out of some of those little foot-measurement racks you find in shoe stores.

Time passed, and my daughter was soon asleep with the rest of the kids from the tour. Pretty much all of the adults had gone to bed, in the other guest rooms. I was out, though, roaming the halls alone, and I eventually ran into Trinity, from The Matrix. Apparently, we were supposed to rendezvous and steal something from the vault - which turned out having been my main reason for attending the tour, in the first place. I followed Trinity through the halls and to the vault, and we sneaked our way inside, going through the lock boxes and looking for something or other. I'm not sure if we ever got what we were looking for, but we soon got word that agents were coming, and that we didn't have the time needed to escape.

Immediately, we did the first thing that came to mind: we played dead. (Lol.)

Trinity dropped to the floor, and I slumped against the wall behind me, just as the vault door swung open and two agents walked in. As of this point, we were just playing it by ear, hoping we could confuse the agents just long enough to get in the position to strike. They stepped around us, inquisitively, looming ever closer. Even though I was playing dead, my eyes were open behind the dark cover of the sunglasses I was now wearing, which matched Trinity's. One agent leaned in to check me, and the other stepped over to check Trinity. With no time left at our disposal, we sprang simultaneously, grabbing the agents' arms and doing a few quick locks and strikes, forcefully disarming the agents before they could react, and then sprinting out of the vault as fast as we could - knowing that staying to fight would be a lost cause.

Running through the White House halls, we decided to split up. Already on the second floor, I took a course that lined the banister over-looking the main lobby. There was an agent right on my heels, and he'd just begun to open fire. Trying to escape his sights, I did a running swan-dive over the balcony at such an angle that I was able to reach out with one hand, grab the outside of the second floor railing, and swing down to the lower level. Before I hit the ground, my momentum carried me across the first floor hall, in a downward swing, so that when I let go I was catapulted toward the wall, feet first. Planting my feet vertically, I jumped off of the wall, did a half twist, and then landed on the ground floor in a tuck-and-roll - standing back up, without missing a beat, and continuing to run.

Later, after I'd given the agent the slip, I came to find out that the cool, hippy guitar shop owner was actually into human trafficking, and he had stolen the tourists' children. He had a cage in his shop, and had them all looked up within - my daughter included. I made my way back to his shop and kicked the shit out of him. That was the last thing I remember.

Cross over to my main site!!

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