Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"The Witch from Spirited Away" - 9/11/2007

"The Witch from Spirited Away"

(I had gone to sleep with the movie "Spirited Away" looping on my PC.)

I dreamt I was in some castle, and I had my daughter with me. There was an old witch that owned the castle, who was exactly like Ubaba (or however you spell it), the old witch that ran the bathhouse in the movie, except that she didn't have exaggerated features like the anime character, and looked much more realistic. I was sitting on the floor with my daughter (who was seven, at the time of this dream), playing with some toys, when (if I remember correctly) one of the toys, somehow, ended up outside.

I walked out of a heavy, glass door and into the courtyard, where the old witch's HUGE dog was sleeping - and by "HUGE," I mean: "twice the size of an elephant" HUGE. I had to creep around the yard to get the toy, in order try to not wake up the dog. Eventually, I made it back inside but, later, was forced to go back out into the courtyard (though I can't remember why).

This time, the dog woke up. He started chasing after me, growling and barking and, basically, trying to eat me. The pursuit ran us through the house, crashing into everything in sight and making a huge mess of things. Finally, I came to a dead end, where there was a big cargo/trap door in the floor. I stopped and dove to one side, evasively, and the dog tried to stop, but his momentum carried him passed me, making him slide into the corner and right over the trap door. I don't remember whether or not a pulled a lever, or it just happened, but the trap door opened and the dog fell into it. On it's way down, it reached out with one "hand" and grabbed me by the leg, pulling me into the hole, but I caught the edge and was hanging onto the ledge, for dear life (like Gandalf vs. Balrog, in Lord of the Rings).

I looked below me and saw this massive chamber. The dog had fallen down to the lowest level. (The chamber was very dim, and I could barely see the bottom, from this height.) I ended up losing my grip and slipping off, falling a few feet and landing on another, lower ledge. There was a huge cylinder in the center of the room, that stretched from the floor to the ceiling, and it had these little platforms that I could use to get to different levels of the chamber (much like a video game). So, I started making my way lower and lower. At some point, I remember the dog actually helping me complete this, by letting me jump onto its back to get across a jump I couldn't make by myself, but I don't recall much of that part.

Now, at the bottom of this chamber, there were suddenly another two or so other people with me. Can't remember who they were. We were looking for a way out of this chamber, and there was a big locker in one corner. Beside the locker, there was a barrel full of swords. I figured they would be helpful, since none of use knew what was down here, in this chamber, and we might have to fight our way out. Looking over the locker, I saw that there was a little padlock on it. I broke it open, with something, and opened the locker, which was full of guns. FULL of guns - with ammo hanging in belts and loose magazines, all over the place. I picked up a little black handgun, like a Glock, and was just about to reach for a magazine, when this massive door swung open, upon the wall next to me. The old witch came storming in, weilding a gun - just like mine - in her hand. Even though I didn't have time to load my gun, I bluffed by swinging it up in her direction, so we were both pointing guns at each other. Ironically, she laughed, and pulled her trigger about three or four times. Nothing happened, but a series of clicks. She said something sarcastic, like: "Snooping around in things that don't belong to you, I see? You're just so clever, aren't you? These guns have all been decommissioned. None of them work." She didn't seem to notice my having not put the magazine in, but she implied that it wouldn't have made any difference.

Then, behind her, a giant walked in - a good 40 feet tall - and he was obviously really pissed off. She introduced him as her son. (The witch in the anime had a giant for a son, but they only show him as a baby. He still a few feet taller than she was. In this dream, though, he was a full grown man.) The giant stepped toward me, mad that I had been going through his mom's chamber. He said something like "Some niggaz have no respect," with a bit of a hip-hop accent. The witch gave him the order to crush me and so he lifted one, over-sized foot, and stomped down toward me. I dove out of the way and ran to the barrel with the swords, yanking one of them up and noticing, just then, that they were all fake. Some of them were made of foam, and some were just flat pieces of sheet metal with no sharp edges. I knew I was in deep shit.

Hanging on to one of these dull, metal "swords," I had to dodge and dive away from this giant's leg, as he continuously tried to stomp on me. I remember, at one point, swinging the metal around at him like a bat and swatting him on the leg with it. It obviously hurt like hell, because he yelped and stumbled backward. 

I don't remember anything after that, though

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