Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Blown out of the Sky" - 11/25/2011 (Lucid)

"Blown out of the Sky"
Dream #2

The first thing I remember was that I was lying down, naked, in a small, enclosed pod. Another body - petite; also naked - was sleeping on top of my chest. I could instantly tell it was a female, and that she was lying face down with her cheek practically nuzzled into my neck. I don't remember the dialogue that followed, but I heard a male voice, outside of the enclosure, stating that the girl was "T"  (an attractive friend and coworker, IRL) and that she had some kind of medical condition where, if she laid on her back for too long, she would stop breathing and die. She had, apparently, just rolled over, on her stomach, on top of me, and so the voice told me that I had to keep her there, asleep, so that she would neither wake up nor roll back over onto her back, since  she would be in danger of suffocating. I had no idea what we were even doing, lying in this chamber together, but the feeling of having here there with me was amazing. I was just loving it. She shuffled softly against me, and I put a hand down onto her lower back, feeling her torso rise and fall with another breath, confirming that she was breathing well and ok to be in this position. (With the lighting and everything, it felt like the final scene in "The Fifth Element," where Korben and Leeloo are in the rejuvenation chamber.)

The dream skipped ahead, and T and I were, then, sitting on an airplane together. We had gotten word (over the intercom, I believe), that we were under attack from rocket fire. No sooner did we get this warning, than a rocket slammed into the far section of the plane, causing an intense explosion. The far side of the plane (which I'm guessing was the front, because we were facing that way) tore right off of the rest of the aircraft, leaving a gaping hole, through which people and chairs began streaming out of the plane, into the night sky. We could only brace against each other and watch scores of people rip away from us - flinging out to God knows where - while we, still buckled into our seats, spiraled sickeningly toward a ground that we could not see. (My notes say something about making a deal with someone, which I don't really remember the details of, but I believe it had something to do with the attack on the plane.)

Soon, we were pulling ourselves out of the wreckage, having landed on some remote island, somewhere. I don't remember the actual impact, though. (It all seemed very "Lost"-like.) The plane was in ruins, but there were still a few survivors. Someone, who I believe might have been the pilot (even though he should have been torn away from us, with the rest of the plane), came onto the intercom and apologized for the rough landing, but he followed that by saying that 'at least it was better than the last time'...whatever that meant.

We were, soon, out in the wilderness, and we ran across a group of bandits who held us up (presumably, the ones who shot us down). They seemed pretty primitive, but they had weapons, and we didn't, so they began to take hostages. Once one of them got me in a chokehold, I began to panic a bit. However, I also began to suspect that I was dreaming. I held up one fist, in front of me, and tried to make a large blade grow out of my knuckles. It didn't work, though, and I just could not get the weapon to materialize. Instead, I pointed to another one of the bandits and made a 'flicking' gesture with my hand, as if I was brushing dust off of an old countertop. The man I was looking at promptly exploded and disappeared into thin air. The rest of the bandits stared at me, in shock, and began to fall back. The one who'd once had a hold of me quickly let me go. Now, content with the upper-hand, I let out a huge 'Shout' (taking a cue from "Skyrim") and unleashed a nice shockwave of sound, which blew some of the bandits backward. I could see the shockwave roll across the high grass and a nearby river bed, blasting into a patch of trees in the distance, where a grizzly bear had been standing. The husky bear reeled from the sound wave and turned tail to run away.

Quite satisfied with this, I went to turn my attention back to the bandits and saw that there was something coming, from off to one side. It was very large and moving over the river, but there was really nothing that we could identify - because of the torrential splashes of water shrouding the large, dark figure. At first, I thought it was a giant alligator - with a body some 15ft in diameter. But, when it got close enough to cease run/stomping through the water, its true form was revealed. It was a dragon - a pretty badass dragon, actually; all jagged, bony features and dark, nearly-black scales. It stopped in front of us, staring directly into my face, and had a short conversation with me, referring to me as the 'Dragonborn' (which is the nickname given to the lead character in Skyrim, which I have been playing lately, of course). I remember that it had the deep voice of the huge first dragon that I encountered in Skyrim, but I don't remember the conversation that we had.

Shortly after this, I was walking through a field, along with T. I took a moment to look at my hands, trying to ground myself into the dream a bit. My left hand looked fine, but I noticed that my right hand was missing two fingers and the thumb, bony stumps left where the fingers should be.

Again, my memory skips ahead a little while. We were in a more urban area, and a group of thugs pulled up in a caravan of jeeps and SUVs. There were a few more people in my group, now, than when it was just T and I. They, again, held us all at gunpoint, and the leader had this weird-looking gun that looked like it had 100 taser barbs, ready to fire. From the hardcore look of the weapon, though, it seemed like the barbs would do a lot more than just send a couple of thousand volts through someone. Still lucid, though, I kept getting in the leader's face, daring him to shoot me, trying to keep his attention off of the other people in my group.

There was another transition, and T and I were back in the wilderness - more of a jungle area, actually - trudging through a small pond of murky water. We were about stomach-deep, and it was only about 12 feet wide, so there already wasn't much room for us. It seemed much smaller, though. Much more crowded. That's when I noticed there was something very large, floating in the pond, just inches in front of me. It was actually taking up most of the space in the pond. I looked at it for a moment, and couldn't figure out what. It looked very rough, like it was a patch of hard Earth that was sticking up just a few inches out of the water. Then, I noticed it had a face, and on the near side of that face, I saw one, slit-pupiled eye staring back at me. An alligator. A very, very large alligator. T seemed to recognize it as a gator, at the same time as I did. I could see a quiet panic building up on her face, and I was feeling quite intimidated, myself. We shuffled quietly, trying to walk our way around it. I could see, though, that with every movement I made to get passed the gator, the gator's head would turn just slightly, in order to keep its eye on me. It was watching me, and I had a feeling it was about to strike at me, at any moment. I knew that this was a dream, but I wasn't really sure of what to do in the situation. I knew had to do something, though.

On instinct, I suddenly lunged at the enormous gator, landing on it's back and trying to wrap my arms around its mouth, from a mounted position. I landed a little too low on its body, though, and was only able to grab around its neck. The gator reared its head back, toward me, snapping its jaws just beside my head and grabbing ahold of my right ear with its teeth. I felt it bite down, but it didn't hurt all that match. I was, however, seemingly stuck. This thing would not let go of me, and I was not about to let go of it, giving it more room to maneuver. This thing could have easily bitten the top portion of my body in half, it was so big.

The last thing I remember is splashing around in the pond, fighting this massive reptile that had a vice-grip on my ear, while T tried to escape the water.

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