Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Ninja Girl" - 11/11/2010

"Ninja Girl"

(There is much of this dream that I do not remember.) My earliest memory is of being inside of a building, with a couple of other people. I'm getting conflicting visions of the place being either a bar or some kind of industrial compound, but I'm not sure which is correct. Maybe both? Anyway, there was an incident, which ended up with the building being overrun with armed thugs. They stormed the place, in seconds, and had completely corralled all of the hostages into a central area. Throughout the ordeal, the tension between our groups was steadily increasing, until - from out of nowhere - a gorgeous, unknown ninja girl dropped into the scenario, from above. She looked almost exactly like Kasumi, from Dead or Alive, and I don't remember every detail of the fight, but I know that she completely annihilated the entire group of thugs. Her weapon of choice: a pair of sais.

She had made her way quickly around the room, ending up at the last thug, who was directly in front of me. I can't recall if he had me in a hold, or what, but the ninja girl basically just grappled him and took him out, without missing a beat. Cutting her eyes to me, she gave a devilishly-flirtations smile and looked me up and down. She didn't stop to talk, though, and immediately jumped into the air, climbing the wall like a squirrel and flipping herself upside down to slide - feet first - up into the rafters. Perched on one of the beams, she dropped her eyes to me once again and gave another playful smile, before reaching one hand up and blowing me a kiss. She then slipped out of sight so quickly that I couldn't even see which way she went. Outside of the fact that she looked like Kasumi, I got the strong feeling that I'd met her, somewhere, but couldn't remember where.

Shortly after this point, the dream transitioned into a flashback.

I was now in the character role of the ninja girl - but a younger, seemingly teenaged version of her. I was wearing traditional Japanese garb and making my way home to a little house, which sat in the middle of a wide, open field. Apparently, I'd just gotten done training with weapons, and I was bringing mine and my father's sais back home. This part of the dream was very vivid, and I remember the sais in great detail. My father's sais were so heavy, that I had to carry them over my shoulder, and could not lift even one of them, with one hand. The steel felt so realistic, and they were wrapped in rubber grips and had family crests studded at the bottoms of the hilts. My sais were identical, but much lighter in weight.

After what had seemed to be any normal day of training, I walked into the house to find that both my mother and father had been murdered. I believe it was the sound of heavy feet, but something tipped me off that the killer was still inside the home. I put down the sais and went to pick up one pair, grabbing my dad's, by mistake. I couldn't even lift one of them off of the table. Switching to my own pair, I sneaked to the doorway of the room that the murderer was in, and I hid with my back against the wall, waiting. The footsteps got closer, and I saw the bladed end of a staff begin to emerge from the room. I was going to wait until the perfect time to strike, but the blade suddenly swung up in my direction, as if the attacker knew I was there. I took my chances and lunged, hoping to catch the man as soon as he stepped out, but he parried my sai with his staff, and knocked me off balance. Not yet an expert fighter, my movements felt awkward and insecure, and when I saw that there was another man with him, I decided it would be best to try to escape while I could.

I bolted out the back door, running toward a neighbor's house, which had to have been a good half-a-mile away. I could just see it, across the field. I think I began to approach lucidity here, because, as I was running, I started thinking about how awkward it was that I was running with a pair of sais (as this was nothing that happens often in my waking life. Lol). My train of thought was derailed, though, when I heard a dirt-bike approaching me from behind. It was the two goons, and they were closing in on me quick. There was no way that I was going to outrun them, now. Still at a full sprint, I passed a tiny tree to my right, and made a sharp turn around it, just as the motorcycle zoomed by me. Instead of completely changing direction, though, I just ran around the tree, now behind the two murderers - who had hit the brakes to see where I'd gone. The first guy didn't have a chance to get off of the bike before I stabbed him in the back and side. The other man gained some distance and then turned back to square off against me. Desperately, I threw one of the sais at him. I wasn't even sure if I thought it was going to do anything. My rushed aim was horrible, though. (Again, I was still getting that vibe that I wasn't comfortable with these sais. I learned very few sai techniques in waking life, as a kid, so they just suddenly felt alien to me, even while in character.) The sai spun like a saw blade and hit the grass, a couple of yards in front of the man, bouncing back upward and traveling toward his face. At the last moment, though, he swung his staff up and swatted the weapon away. With one sai left, I rushed in toward him. I really don't remember this exchange, but it ended up with me managing to stab him twice in the mid-section - having gotten my other sai back, during the skirmish - and holding him, painfully, up on his feet.

He coughed up blood, trying to tell me to just kill him and get it over with. I refused. I wanted him to suffer for what they had done. My fists still wrapped tightly around the handles, the long sai prongs skewering up through his insides, I walked him the rest of the way to the neighbor's house. I kept him on his feet, even when he wanted to quit, using all my remaining strength to support his weight with the steel that ran through him. There was at least one point where he said something that caused me to pull one of the sais out, and make a fresh hole through him with it. Can't remember what that was, though. Finally, we ended up reaching the front porch of the house.

At some point, my perspective changed, and I was "myself" again, back in the "present." Apparently, though, some time had passed since I was saved from the hostage situation by this ninja girl (whose childhood I had just experienced - though I had no memory of the flashback, at this point in the dream), and not only had I crossed paths with her, again, but we were now friends. The last thing I remember is that we were driving around in a car, and that he was telling me about something or another, but I can't recall what it was.

Cross over to my main site!!

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