Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Queen of Heartless" - 10/20/2010 (Lucid)

"Queen of Heartless" 
Dream #1

The first thing I remember was that I was flying to Paris. There was an older man with me, and I believe that he was a scientist, but I'm not exactly sure of his role in the earlier parts of the dream. We'd gotten off of whatever flying vehicle we were in (I don't believe it was a plane.) and had begun sight-seeing; making our way up to the top of a tall building and looking out over the Parisian streets. It was at this time, that I spontaneously became lucid. Instinctively, I looked at my hands, in order to ground myself into the dream, but the dream immediately unraveled, and everything went black. I kept trying to keep myself in the dream, but it would only flicker into sight, a few times, and then disappear again.

(I don't know if I woke up, briefly, or just finally slipped back into same narrative. It seemed like such a continuation of the dream, though, that I will count the following as the same one.)

I was back in Paris, no longer lucid. My friend Tony was with me, this time, in place of the old man, and we were just wandering around the city, exploring different locations. We'd found ourselves inside a house and trying to get up the stairway, to the second floor. Unexpectedly, the staircase began crumbling under our feet. Tony had made it up, first, and the stairway completely gave way, while I was making my way up. I ended up having to hang from the damaged banister and use my arms to pull myself up higher and higher - gaining a bit of assistance from Tony, upon the last couple of feet - until I was able to pull myself fully onto the second floor.

Searching these upper hallways, we came across a person lying on the ground, as if she'd simply fallen asleep there. It was a little girl, probably no more than about 12 years old. Upon getting closer to the girl, and having a few, inquisitive words with her, we realized that she had been seriously abused and was left out in the hallway, after having been beaten. Apparently, her mother was the (actual) Queen of Hearts, and her father was just some insanely powerful creature (whom I never actually got to see, in the dream, but could feel his presence as this sort of looming sense of dread over the situation). The girl looked like she had just been beaten within a few inches of her life, and we told her we were going to get her out of there. We were barely able to get a few feet down the hallway, when we were confronted by her mother, who chastised us for having the gall to try to take her daughter away from her. She began to exert her true power, and the whole building began shaking. We high-tailed it out of there, and she chased us into the streets, people everywhere, screaming and running away from the continuous and intensifying tremors she was causing.

It was about here that I regained my lucidity, and I remember stopping to confront the queen. We were standing on an elevated stone walkway, or something, spotted with high bushes on either side. During our altercation, she said something about my not knowing who I was messing with, and she waved her hand, causing some white roses to bloom upon the bushes beside us - apparently not above showing off. I told her that I wasn't the least bit impressed, because this was my dream, and I flicked my fingers at her white roses, making them turn red, as if I was finishing her work for her. This understandably pissed her off, to no end, and she attacked me with the biggest 'force' blast that she could muster. Quite confident in my control, at this point, I fired back, and we got into a sort of 'telekinetic pushing match,' until she just couldn't withstand anymore. She completely submitted, and Tony and I continued to usher the kid further away from her mother, who ended up catching up to us, one last time, just as we'd entered a tunnel-like hallway. There, she made her final stand, warning us not to take the kid anywhere. When she reared back to throw another spell our way, I used more telekinesis, mentally grabbing her by the head and slamming her into one of the nearby walls, knocking her out cold.

I decided to stay with the kid, leading her to some random room, which looked like a kid's play room, and it was around here, when I lost lucidity again. We'd found a portal, inside the room, which was known to transport the kid to some far away place, where she wouldn't be abused by her parents anymore. The last thing I remember was a great feeling of accomplishment, knowing the kid was going to get away.

Cross over to my main site!!

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