Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Elm Street Academy" - 04/09/2010 (Lucid + Dream Chain)

"Elm Street Academy"
Dream One (a)

I was a student at some enormous martial arts school. It was set up like a university. I was more of an outsider, in this school, and not treated very well by most of the other students. There was some really muscular kid who I started arguing with, across tables. I can't remember exactly what was said, but I completely tore him apart with wit. The entire room clearly respected me more, after that. The Master was going around, checking people's written work. There was a test or something we had to take around this time, and since I was somewhat newer than most the kids here, an Asian girl turned around and gave me a little bit of help.

Later, I was standing in a line with a bunch of other students. A gorgeous, Hispanic girl approached me. The moment she recognized my face, she started going off on me - just screaming and cursing me out and waving her hands around, all pissed. Apparently, I had hurt this girl, sometime in the past (though she was not someone I recognized, from waking life).

Shortly afterward, [another gorgeous, hispanic girl, who actually was an old, waking life friend of mine] walked by us. My eyes followed her, pretty hard, and then I heard the other girl mumble something in Spanish. Her mumbling turned into another tantrum directed at me. She started going off, and she just would not stop. I'd - long since - lost the ability to keep up with what she was saying. All her words were just running together, and she was getting more and more animated. No matter how many times I told her to keep it down, she wouldn't. She was making a scene, and I knew that we were going to get in trouble. It got to the point where I actually grabbed a hold of something, nearby (can't remember what it was) and literally shoved it into her mouth to keep her from talking. With her cheeks stuffed, she finally had no choice but to shut up.

There was one guy at the school who was really nice to me. He was Native American, I believe, and had long black hair. He was just a genuinely cool guy, and I remember meeting his family, at some point. Some time much later, the guy just up and disappeared. Rumors started going around the school that he had been mysteriously killed. We were never able to find out how, though.

Time passed, and I ended up having another run-in with the jock-ish guy, that I had argued with, earlier. It was more like an ambush, actually. I had been walking along the wall, outside the building, and he came out of nowhere and forced me into the nearby boiler room. He squared off, ready to fight me, and I told him that I didn't want trouble like that. Sure, he was a dick, but I really wasn't interested in fighting him on school property. He kept egging me on, though, and got in my face. His arms shot up and grabbed hold of my collar - and I was just about to defend myself - when some invisible force threw us apart from one another. I was thrown down on a table, back-first. The other guy was thrown against a wall or gate or something. This force was pressing down on my chest, and pinning me to the table, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't sit up or roll off the edge. Suddenly, my shirt began to tear. The quick slashes of a set of invisible blades whipped repeatedly across my chest and shredded my shirt, with each swipe passing just millimeters above my skin. I couldn't turn my head - let alone lift it - but I could hear the sound of the other guy screaming bloody murder. I took no comfort in the fact that whatever was happening to him sounded much worse than what was happening to me.

A wave of relief did come, though. Horrified as I was, I immediately realized I was having a nightmare. The unseen attack continued to slash violently across my shirt, over and over. I knew, without question, that this was Freddy's doing. Now lucid, I braced and tried as hard as I could to sit up straight, on the table. The force threw me back down, like an arm-wrestler getting his second wind. Again and again I struggled to counter the invisible demon who continued to shred my shirt, but to no avail. I just couldn't get the control. Still in a slight state of panic, I intentionally woke myself up.

(I was only up for a moment or two, and fell right back asleep.)

Dream One (b)

I was back at the school, walking around the perimeter of the building, once again. I came to the open door of the boiler room, and peered inside. The lights were out and everything was pitch black. A quick rush of recollection hit me and I remembered what happened, last time I'd went through the door; Freddy had attacked me, and I never found out what happened to the other boy. (Even though I realized this, I didn't become lucid again.) Some time later, the jock's girlfriend - who had been sitting at his table, when I verbally tore him a new one - caught up with me. She asked me if I'd seen or heard from him recently. I had no concept of time (specifically, how long after the boiler room incident it was), and I told her "no." I really wasn't all that sure about what happened. We felt we had to find out, though. More time passed and we had eventually come across an obituary. Thumbing through it, we came to a break in the neatly-typed font of a list of names. In this space, scrawled in out-of-place handwriting, was her boyfriend's name (which I can't remember). Beneath that, it said:

Reason: He died for his father. (Whatever that meant)
Signed: AhaAHhAhaHAhAHAA!"

By the signed laughter, I immediately knew it was Freddy's doing. Time skipped ahead again, after this.

It was now night time. I was in the back seat of a car, with a couple of friends in the front. We were driving down a street and saw a figure walking up the sidewalk, the other way. From a distance, we could tell it was the jock dude that had just been declared dead. Shocked, we drove over to toward him, to ask him just what the hell had happened to him. Just as we were about to come upon him, another car drove up, from the other way, placing itself between us and the guy walking down the sidewalk. Then things got really strange. When we looked in the car, we could see that the person driving was actually the same kid that was walking down the street! There were two of them! The one that was driving got the other one's attention, and called him over to the car. The one that had been walking, curious, walked closer to the car, looked  inside, and then got in. Still a few dozen feet away, and still in our car, we all screamed "NO!!! NO!! What are you doing?!? Don't go with him!!!" knowing that things were just not right. I told the driver to hurry up and get in their way, so we could keep them from taking off. The passenger said "No. Forget it. He's already dead," dismissing the idea of going to rescue the 'dead' kid.

But I knew that things were all wrong, in this situation, and I wasn't convinced the kid was already dead. I said, to the passenger, "How do you know that?!" 

And then the passenger spun around in his chair, toward me. It was Freddy Krueger. He yelled in my face; "Because I said so!!!" and he lunged his clawed hand at me. I immediately realized I was dreaming and, in an instantaneous rush of lucidity, I reflexively woke myself up before he was able to connect with me.

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