Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Jason Voorhees...Again....and again, and again, and..." - 09/26/2007

"Jason Voorhees...Again....and again, and again, and..."

I was a girl, in this dream, and the first thing I remember is that I was walking through a dark house. It was the typical horror movie ambiance, where I was moving slowly, feeling that something just 'wasn't right,' and being mysteriously drawn to a particular room. When I got to the bedroom, I could hear the sound of the shower running from the bathroom, but there was just barely any light coming from it. I stepped slowly into the bathroom and saw that it had one of those showers with the sliding glass doors. It was completely filled up with steam, and I couldn't see whomever was inside it. The bathroom was already eerily lit with a soft blue bulb, which didn't help the anxiety that I was feeling creeping up my spine. Cautiously, I walked toward the shower and, just as I was a couple of feet away, I saw Freddy Krueger's gloved hand slam up against the shower door, from within the cloud of steam inside, and scrape it's nails down the glass. (I thought me and that asshole were supposed to be cool, now. However, Universal Studios has been advertising that Jason, Freddy and Leatherface are going to all be characters present at Halloween Horror Nights, this year, which is probably want prompted his appearance.)

Anyway, I ran out of the house and, on the way out, I ran directly into Jason Voorhees. He stood there, glaring down at me, and I immediately took off in another direction. I was in a huge field, at night, way out in the country, somewhere, and there was a barn or something in the distance. I hauled ass toward it and, just as I ran up to the front, ol' Jason was standing directly in my way (having just 'appeared' there like he often does in the movies). I switched directions and ran parallel to the barn/house/thing. When I came around the corner, there he was again. He swung his machete at me, and I ran off another way. While running along a lake, I'd found myself beginning to step into the water. Before I knew it, I was waist-deep in it. Suddenly, a light came on, beneath the surface, and the entire lake lit up like a swimming pool. Directly in front of me, Jason slowly came rising to the surface, standing up in the water and walking slowly in my direction. I scurried out of the lake and toward a group of trees to, hopefully, provide me some cover. Again, though, he walked out from behind a tree, in front of me. He swiped his machete and actually sliced me (didn't hurt that much). This threw me off guard and he was able to wrestle me to the ground, while I was kicking and screaming.

Pinning me to the ground, on my stomach, Jason put down his machete and pulled a hacksaw from out of nowhere. He pressed himself down on my back and I could feel him setting the blade of the saw down on the back of my neck. I was absolutely flipping the f*ck out! (Who wouldn't be??) I bent one of my legs up and was, somehow, able to kick him off of me, right before he was able to start cutting my head off. As he began to right himself, I rolled over, picked up his machete and, in one swipe, cut his head clean off his shoulders. His head hit the ground, while his body fell to its knees, and I immediately turned and ran. After running for a while, I couldn't believe it when I saw, again, Jason out in front of me. He was still headless - his body still on its knees and still seemingly dead. It was like I had run in a straight line, but still completed a full circle to pass the same place I'd just left. I kept running straight, watching the body as I passed. Suddenly, just as I'd gotten close enough, the headless body lunged out at me, grabbing my legs and tripping me. We wrestled to the ground again and he had his machete back, trying to kill me. It was somewhere around here that I woke up.

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