Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Editor of Worlds" - 6/26/2007

"Editor of Worlds"
Dream One

The first thing I remember was having the power to 'create and edit worlds and their landscapes.' There was some sort of war going, on this newly-created planet, and there was another “deity,” there, who was a female, and she was instructing me that - in order to stop (something) from happening - I had to create a raging waterfall that would crash over a large mountain-area and down into a valley, below, where most of the fighting was going on.

I remember that, at first, the water looked completely fake. It was as if I was using 3D software, like Blender, and creating a mesh plane with a water-ish texture on it. It might as well have just been an animation, as it flowed over the hills. Then, I was later drawn down and “into” the scene and saw the water flowing off of the high cliffs and down into the valley, looking more to the scale of the real thing.

Later, as one of the rebels (I could tell this by our obsolete weaponry, in relation to the organization we were fighting), I was riding a hover-bike that was something like a Star Wars speeder-bike, but shaped more like a modern crotch-rocket. There were two or three other rebels riding along-side me, and we were crossing the valley that I had just recently washed out with water. We had to get to the opposition’s side, retrieve something and bring it back to our side. On the way back across the valley, there was a huge, four-legged “thing” in the middle of the clearing. I’m pretty sure it was mechanical and the only comparison I can make is to one of those AT-ATs, or “walkers,” from Star Wars. I just don’t remember what it looked like, in detail, so I’m not quite sure if it was one of them or not.

We also had what was called “over-drive” on these hover-bikes. Pushing a button on the handlebar fired the boosters on the back of the bike and pushed you up to like mach-1. Haha. After weaving around the legs of this giant thing, we all hit the “over-drive” and hauled ass back to our side of the clearing. It was very awesome, but I don't remember anything more.

Cross over to my main site!!

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