Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Gun Kata" - 10/11/2007 (Lucid)

"Gun Kata"
Dream #1 (pt 2)

I was upstairs, in the [girl from Part 1's] two-story apartment. Walking down the hallway, toward her staircase, I abruptly stopped and wondered how I'd gotten there. I looked around and began questioning whether this was a dream, but (even after waking up from a long period of sleep, and going back to bed) everything was just so vivid. So realistic. I looked down at my hands, and they looked just fine. Normal. Reaching out, my hands ran across the banister, and it was just as firm and realistic as anything I've ever felt. For a moment, I had thought about jumping all the way down the stairs but, then, figured that it wouldn't be the best idea, until I was 100% sure of my state. Finally, I tried something that I don't think I've ever tried before: the "nose-plug" reality check. I pinched my nose with my fingers and inhaled, and to my surprise, I could breathe! I thought I'd done something wrong, and maybe didn't fully cover my nostrils, so I squeezed my nose even harder, and inhaled. It was like my hand wasn't even there. I was definitely dreaming. 

I went to the top stair and jumped off of it, trying to clear all the stairs, at once. When I landed, everything was still so damned vivid, that it actually hurt a little bit, and I stumbled and nearly fell to the ground. I realized, though, that - had this been waking life - I would have seriously injured myself, so I was even more sure that I was dreaming. I walked outside, and the same awesome car I had been driving (in the first "half" of this dream) was still in the parking lot, and there was a police car parked beside it. As I was getting in the car, ready to take a little joyride, the police radio sounded, and I could hear dispatch say that there was some huge gang bust going down and that all units needed to respond. Knowing that this was all a dream, I thought this sounded like fun.

A swarm of cops were already hauling ass to this spot, and I was right there behind them. It was another apartment complex. (Why are there so many apartment complexes in my dreams?) I just followed them in, now on foot, and we came upon a HUGE firefight, in a courtyard. Everybody was dressed up in suits, and it was just a relatively-few cops vs. some upscale crime syndicate, like the Yakuza. Everybody had automatic weapons, and it was just a crazy amount of gunfire, all over the place. Without missing a beat, I took the side of the cops (they were seriously outnumbered, and I tend to side with the underdogs) and walked into the middle of the battlefield. I can't even remember what I said to provoke the gang, but I suddenly draw all of their fire on me.

(This has to have been one of the coolest things I've done, while lucid, yet...)

As all of these guns started shooting at me, I instinctively started spinning around and flailing my arms in a mock-wushu / kung-fu motion, moving left right, up down, corkscrew-flipping and ducking from side to side, in rapid succession. While doing this, I tried to take my mind off of the bullets, and to act as if they weren't even there. The illusion created was that I dodged every single bullet that was shot at me, aside from one that I felt graze my hand but caused no pain. What I'd fallen into was an exaggeratedly-acrobatic version of UltraViolet's "No-touch Gun-Kata", and it was f*cking awesome. Even though I was trying not to think about the bullets hitting me, I could hear them whizzing around my head, while I continued to move erradically, as fast as possible.

At some point, someone randomly started using a glowing disc as a weapon. They'd throw it at me and I would flip out of the way, and it would pretty much just ricochet all over the battlefield and kill a whole bunch of people, inadvertently. One thing that motivated me to keep moving was thinking of Spider-Man and the way he moves and the last thing I remember doing is jumping off of the ground, over the glowing disc, and landing, horizontally, on a wall, standing on it as if it were the ground and looking down at the body-littered battlefield. I could see that the cops now had the advantage and were taking out the last few of the gang memebers, and that was about the last thing I remember.

(Absolutely incredible experience. I woke up and it was daylight. I came to the PC to jot down some dream notes and decided to see if I could squeeze an extra hour or so of sleep in.)

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