Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Dream World Academy Campus" - 02/26/2020 (Lucid)

"Dream World Academy Campus"

(Before this, I'd had a short fragment, about being on a street corner and telling some friends about my first dream of the night. While telling them the story, After that fragment, I'd woken up and planned to do a WBTB, with the intention of searching for the Dream World Academy. Pretty quickly, with the affirmation in mind, I fell back asleep, and into another dream.)

The first thing I remember was being in a grocery store. There wasn't much out of the ordinary going on, in the beginning, but I spontaneously realized that I was unfamiliar with this place, and I knew that I had to be dreaming. Almost as quickly as I had become lucid, I remembered what my objective had been, upon going back to sleep: Finding the Dream World Academy. I thought about how I might best attempt to locate this fictional facility, and I found myself following a couple of the employees into a walk-in freezer. Inside the freezer, there was a smaller, grocery store "ICE" dispenser, in the corner. Thinking that I might be able to create a portal to the DWA, I stepped over to the dispenser; opened the hatch-like door; and began to crawl inside, attempting to "will" myself to another location. It was pitch-black, inside, though, and I started to think that submerging myself in total darkness might prompt a less-desirable scene change, though, so I decided to abort the idea and exited the ICE dispenser.

Still trying to figure out my approach to finding the DWA, I left the grocery store and stepped out onto the street. The street scene seemed more like a small, eastern European town, than anything that I'm normally familiar with. While outside, I saw a few of my real life friends, on the street. Somewhere around here, while interacting with them, I got caught up in the narrative and forgot that I was dreaming, losing my lucidity. We hung for a bit, on the street corner, and then boarded a transit bus, apparently about to head off, somewhere that someone had suggested, but I couldn't remember the conversation. Just as the bus had begun to pull away from the curb, though, I remembered that this was all just a dream, and that I had a task to complete.

Immediately, I ignored the narrative that was beginning to develop in regards to my friends. I simply turned toward one of the bus windows, and stepped forward, pressing my hands to the glass and then pushing myself into it, phasing through the side of the departing bus and stepping back out onto the cobblestone street. I looked around the city square, trying to find the best way to bring myself to the Dream World Academy. My first inclination was to go back into the grocery store I had recently exited, but I figured that there had to be a faster way. That's when I remembered the old "turn around" technique. Looking away from the storefront, I began to imagine that the Dream World Academy would be right behind me. I didn't bother to imagine what it might look like - only that it would be there. Then, I turned back around, and the entire storefront had changed. Instead, I was looking up at a gigantic, stone stairway, spanning almost the entire face of an old-style university building. The stairway had to have been a good 30 feet wide, and stretched up further than I cared to try and quantify. Ecstatic that I had, apparently, found my objective, I began to climb the stairs, in order to find the entrance.

Eventually reaching the top of the stairway, seemingly a couple of hundred feet above the ground, I was greeted by a large, metallic sculpture of either an eagle or a griffin. I can easily remember the bird's beak, but I can't recall whether it had an eagle's body. I walked passed the statue, and into a short, arched hallway. The daylight continued, on the other side of the short hallway, and I walked through it, stepping out into a central courtyard. However, instead of an actual courtyard, I came to a downward staircase that overlooked and vast bay area, surrounded on all sides by more old-European(ish) architecture. It was as if I was stepping out, into the highest sections of a football stadium, but instead of bleachers, there were houses, and instead of a football field, it was a harbor that spanned more than a mile, on either side.

After taking a moment to marvel at the surreal environment, I began to descend the internal stairway, with plans to just explore as much as possible. By this time, other people began showing up, many of them dressed in generic university uniforms - students, obviously. They silently passed me by, moving up and down the staircase while I wandered about, aimlessly.

(Unfortunately, I don't recall much more of this before waking up.)

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