Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"FA's on Elm Street" - 11/04/2017 (Lucid)

"FA's on Elm Street"
(Lucid + False Awakenings)

(I woke up early and attempted at WBTB.)

The first thing I remember, within the dream, is being in a forest area. Walking about the brush, something had triggered me to realize I was dreaming, but I can’t recall whether it was actually the dream content or if it was spontaneous. I looked down at my hands, in order to stabilize the dream, which both appeared bloated and waterlogged. Then, I reached down into my pocket and pulled out my totem (my singing magnet. I recently broke the magnetic ring I was previously using). Staring into it, I could see that the reflection was distorted, but I couldn’t make out anything specific within it.

With nothing specific planned for my lucidity, I started trying to fly, floating up through the trees and ascending above the canopy. It was pretty much forest, all around, and I wanted to try to get to somewhere a little more modernized, in order to explore. Trying to fly over the forest, as fast as possible, I had some (rather typical) trouble with reaching significant speed.

The scenery soon changed and I was inside someone’s house. I was still lucid, and there was a mid-sized dog, here, that kept attacking me. I had no fear of the dog, but it was relentless and aggravating. Each time it would come in toward me, I would grab its snout and just shove it away. Sometimes, it would chomp down on my hand but, while it was slightly painful, it was, really, little more than irritating. Getting more and more fed up, I attempted to use a DBZ-style power-up and threw my fists down and head back, letting out a loud yell and imagining the energy pushing out from my center. A moderate blast of air expanded outward from me, giving the dog a short pause but, ultimately, not deterring it long, before it was moving in and nipping at me again.

Shortly after this annoying ordeal, seemingly in the same house, I was following a group of people down a hallway. I have the feeling that we were either fleeing something or being herded toward something else. After what seemed like a short moment of being completely immersed in what was going on, I remembered that I was still dreaming. We were passing a painting on a wall – of some sort of living room or den. Looking for another change of scenery, I sunk my hands into the painting, as if it were made of liquid, and pulled myself through it. Now, inside the den depicted in the tapestry, I looked at my hands, again, solidifying in the new scene. (I don't recall anything strange about the way they looked.) The lighting, here, was very dark and somewhat spooky.

Apprehensive about exploring this area, it didn’t take very long before I came across Freddy Krueger. He would continuously make crazy, nightmarish things happen, and then I would attempt to maintain my lucidity, but he would keep making me forget that I was dreaming, and sometimes this would result in a change of scenery or a false awakening. On the times when things would seem completely normal, and as if I was back in the waking world, one of my friends (not sure who it was, but it was a guy with black hair) would drop some sort of hint or otherwise help me realize that I was still dreaming. To confirm it, I would do a reality check, such as using telekinesis on nearby objects, and I would become lucid again. Each time I would regain lucidity, Krueger would show up, again, and try to scare me back out of it.

These loops happened 3 or 4 times, and my black-haired friend was present during each “reset,” and would continue to try to help me remember that I was dreaming. I don't remember much about the details about my actual encounters with Freddy, though. It was more about sort of "atmospheric" evil situations happening, and then he would show up, in the end, and take credit for them. (Kind of like Pennywise, in the new "IT," movie, now that I think about it.)

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