Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Shanked" - 08/20/2007


In this dream, I was much younger than I am now, and was at a school that reminded me of my old junior high, back in Houston. I think I even heard its name, sometime throughout the dream. While walking through this school with a couple of people that apparently knew me (the hallways were mostly outside), and feeling like a complete newbie, I noticed a small group of roughneck-looking brothaz, off to the side of me. I glanced over that way, not even really “looking,” and one of them looked back at me, obviously not very happy that I was looking that way. Having not really intended to lock eyes, in the first place, I simply looked back in the direction I was going. Behind me, the guy could be heard saying something about my looking over there, as if my glance was some sort of challenge to him, or something. I tried to just ignore him, and walk further into the large crowd of students that were going from class to class. Passing people, left and right, it only took a few brief glances behind me, to see that the guy was steadily coming up through the crowd, as well.

With no chance for me to respond, this guy came around from my side. His arm immediately swung in, toward my chest, and I see the glint of something metallic in his grasp. My hands flew up, instinctively, and I clasped them around his fist, but I was a little too slow, and he was a little too strong, as I wasn’t able to keep him from stabbing me in the chest and stomach - a good seven times or so, in just a second or two (didn’t hurt all that much, though). I knew I had been shanked but I could see that, by catching his fist with my hands, I was able to keep the entirety of the blade from entering my body.

It was still pretty bad, though. The guy was gone, just as quickly as he had appeared, and I began staggering - almost falling - bleeding through my t-shirt and gasping for air. When the people around me realized what happened, they immediately dropped everything and came to my aid, trying to keep me on my feet. I remember the sky immediately turning to night, somewhere around this time. I was losing a lot of blood, some of which began coming out of my mouth, and I could feel my energy slipping away from me. The school was suddenly on lock-down and there were soon cops and paramedics, all over the scene.

I don’t remember anything after the paramedics got there, though.

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