Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"No Disassemble Johnny 5!!" - 09/22/2007

"No Disassemble Johnny 5!!"

This one started in a school. I was sitting in a desk with a bunch of others that were surrounding a projector. The teacher was going over something and we were all supposed to be taking notes. I don't remember very much about this part, but I know that, at some time, I got out of my desk and was actually laying down on the floor, taking notes, instead of being in my chair. E.T. and M.R. (two female ex-coworkers, that are too old for school) were some of my classmates. It was a holiday and there was a big "holiday function" going on, in the auditorium. Afterward, during the night, we all went out to eat at a place that reminded me of Denny's.

I really don't know how he got tied into all of this but, for some reason, the robot Johnny 5 (from the movie Short Circuit) was a friend of mine, and he was in the restaurant with us. Some big "Kill Johnny 5" scenario broke out where even some of the restaurant workers were out to destroy him. One of the restaurant workers even had a laser like J5's, that he was shooting up the whole place with, trying to get the robot. We were able to get him safely out of the restaurant, and into M.R.'s car. There was a short segment that I remember where J5 and I were laughing and joking around in the backseat and we were showing ourselves to be such good friends that M.R. and E.T. were like "Awwww."

We drove to the apartment of the girl from the Short Circuit movie (which looked like the apt complex I lived in, in Georgia). As we were pulling up, we saw a backhoe working in a ditch on the side of the neighborhood. J5 said something like "That's him," implying that he had a mechanical arch-nemesis. We drove by the backhoe as discretely as we could while J5 explained that the backhoe was some sort of alien technology that could shape-shift like the Transformers. Once we got in the apartment, my perspective switched from first- to third-person.

In third-person, I saw the backhoe move to another position in the neighborhood and do this crazy section-by-section transformation, and turn into another type of "tractor." The next day came (still in third-person) and I watched the foreman of the construction project start investigating the incorrect digging of the ditch the backhoe was attending to. Then, out of nowhere, the (newly transformed) backhoe, which was now more like a fork-lift, slam into the foreman from behind and push him into some sort of compacting machine. The guy's arm got trapped in the machine and I saw him get dragged into the works and shredded by the machine (which looked completely fake, as if it was a b-movie effect). Afterward, the "forklift" manifested this humanoid for a driver (kind of like the Decepticon's from the movie had the holographic drivers/pilots), and assume the identity of the foreman.

The next morning (back in first person), the holographic person came to our apartment door, which was on the second floor, and demanded to see J5. J5 had actually asked us to shut down his system, so he couldn't be detected by the other machine, and we told the holographic guy that J5 wasn't with us (I really won't take the time to fully describe the guy's persona, but he was a really animated psychopath - kinda looking like Sylar from Heroes, with a personality like a psychotic Jim Carrey). The guy finally went away, but then, knowing that we were lying, he got back in his "transformer" and started tearing apart the neighborhood. He used the machine to stack up a bunch of crates and shoot them, with some weird catapult mechanism, toward the train tracks that were not far from us (this, I saw in third person). Finally, he launched a huge rubber tire onto the tracks. Some guy came along, just as a train was coming, and tried to remove the tire from the tracks and the "Decepticon" (for lack of a better word) tricked the guy into staying on the tracks for too long, and the guy got hit by the train. Still as a disembodied entity, my perspective followed the holographic guy as he walked back to the machine, after revelling in his handi-work. I began to actually talk to him (though I was really no more than a "camera" following him) and asked him about how it felt to be a killer, somewhat interviewing him. He said he "loved his work."

My perspective switched back to first-person, and we were up inside the apartment. I seemed to have some recollection of what I'd seen as a disembodied entity, because I was suddenly telling everyone with me that "We need to get out of here" because this guy was about to go apeshit. The girl we'd come to seek refuge with said that she wasn't packed and ready, and that we could leave without her, and she'd catch up with her. I said something like "No, we need to leave now! I don't care if you run out with your pj's on. We have to go!" No sooner had I said this, than my perspective switched back to 3rd person, and I saw a bunch of chains attached to the same conveyor-belt machine that had chopped up the foreman. The chains were strung up to our apartment. They started pulling and completely ripped the staircase and front face of our apartment off.

Shortly after, back in first person, we heard a piano playing downstairs. What was once a second-story apartment was now a two-story sort of townhouse. We walked down an inside staircase (which wasn't there when we got there) and to the first floor of her apartment. She now had a bunch of family members down there, and there was a piano playing by itself. I knew something was definitely wrong, and we all stood around trying to find out what was going on. There was a round young boy that was standing near me. The front door, which was directly behind me, blew open, and I rushed to close it. For some reason, I looked back at the kid. I somehow knew that there was something not right with this kid, and put him in an arm lock. He went from a false panic to a maniacal laughter, and I (again, somehow) knew that the holographic man had transformed into the kid. Holding him, I asked what happened to the real kid that was related to the girl we were hiding with. The "boy" said something like "Him? Oh, I chopped him up and put him in the piano" motioning over to the piano that was playing itself, and he continued laughing. The kid was suddenly gone and, looking outside, I saw that he had materialized back into the crazy holographic guy. Through the window, he made one final demand for us to give up J5, so he could destroy him. We refused, and he was like "Ok, fine," and walked off. My perspective switched yet again and saw the guy standing over a detonator. He said something fanatical that ended with the words "TNT!" (don't remember what he said, though), and hit the detonator. A huge chain reaction of explosions started that implied he'd wired the entire complex with explosions and was about to take it all down, including our apartment. We could feel the ground shaking as the explosions went off, and they were getting increasingly closer. I didn't get to see what happened though, because, during the explosions, I woke up.

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