Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Portal-Painting Power Struggle" - 03/05/2018

“Portal-Painting Power Struggle”
Dream #2

This was a false awakening, in which I “awoke” in my bed, to find out that were other people there. Apparently, they had stayed the night and were also waking up, on a mattress in the middle of the room. I recognized my daughter as one of them, and the others seemed like little cousins or friends of the family, or something of the sort. The smallest one was little more than an infant and, once he had finished playing with the others, he crawled over toward me. When I picked him up, I noticed that the child was disabled and disfigured; missing one eye - and, I think, an arm - and generally looking to be in pretty-horrific shape. Despite my reflexive, momentary revulsion at the unexpected sight, I continued to hold the boy and to play with him while we sat on the bed, trying not to pass any judgement or make any assumptions about why he looked this way. 

There was a large painting, hanging on one of the walls of the bedroom, and I eventually walked over to it. Two cats were perched upon the top of the frame, one of them a kitten that was little more than the size of a mouse. At one point, I think the kitten fell off and I could feel its tiny claws as it scurried up my leg and back on top of the frame, where it had been. Somehow, I came to find out that I could put my hand through the painting (though I wasn’t lucid) and, soon afterward, my head. It was, apparently, some kind of portal, and on the other side, it was some dark, derelict hallway, with seemingly ancient tools and artifacts hanging around. I could barely see them in the dim light that only seemed to come from the side of the portal with my bedroom. With a strange sense of “this is all normal,” but too timid to walk fully through the portal, I grabbed one of the nearest artifacts – a spearhead-looking object with thick, round, decorated bulb between the two ends - and pulled my upper-body back through the portal and into my bedroom.

Either the people in the room had aged, or they were a completely different group, but I began telling them about the portal and what I found. (I don’t really think my daughter was still on scene, at the time.) They were all really interested and one of the girls said she wanted to try it. I told her that it was "just like lucid dreaming; you just imagine the painting isn't there." (Way to miss that dream sign!) She gave it a shot, stuck her head in and then back out, excited about what she'd seen. They followed me, while I walked to the living room (which was unfamiliar to me), and set the relic on a fireplace mantle. Surprisingly (now that I'm awake), I started telling them about the history of the relics, and how some people in history - like my ancestors or something - traveled to that other world and came back with similar items. After a little more discussion about what else might be on the other side of the portal, my “guests” suddenly changed their demeanor and became frantic and aggressive, sounding off, with alarm, about how they’d “found the portal" and the item(s) they apparently needed, in order to resurrect some evil witch from whatever realm existed beyond the portal.

They attempted to grab the relic, just as I pulled it back down, off the mantle, and we began started struggling over possession of it. During the scuffle, the group began chanting some kind of incantation, trying to rush along the resurrection of this entity, before I could pry the relic from them. While they chanted, a glowing, red hole opened up in the floor of the living room, and a wailing, ghostly woman shot up out of the ground and started flying around the space over our heads. I think the group of subordinates figured they had done their part, because they either let go of the object or I was able to pull it from them. The witch swooped around over me and tried to grab at the object. I did whatever I could to keep it from her, but I wasn’t able to get away from her, because she was just flying too fast for me to move very far, in any direction. Finally, she made what appeared to be one final dive toward me, shrieking and stretching her hands out, to either grab for the relic or attack me, head-on. With no other option, I did the first thing that came to me, instinctively; I lunged forward, to intercept her, slipping the sharpened point of the object passed her hands and stabbing her directly through the face with it.

Instantly, she crashed down to the floor, in her own blood, dead.

Everything fell silent, and I looked back over to the group that had summoned her. They wasted no time in turning around and bolting for the front door. Even though they got away, I was left with the overwhelming feeling that they would be back, again, at some point.

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