Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Scare Tactics" - 12/24/2008

"Scare Tactics"

I was part of a S.W.A.T.-type unit and dressed up in tactical gear. My partner was a petite, young woman - a bit younger than me - who I was really close to. (I feel that it was someone I know in waking life. Just can't remember who. Small white chick with short, brownish hair. Maybe it'll come to me later.) We were on a call in some sort of school, which seemed nearly deserted. There was a large, senior officer there with us, and something happened to where he completely flipped out, went pscyho, and began attacking his own squad. We got into a firefight with him, and it became apparent that, no matter how much we shot him, he just wouldn't die. I vaguely remember something happening to his face, like it distorted (demonically) or something, but I can't recall it in detail.

We had - somehow - gotten locked inside the school and had to break our way out through the glass. Then, we got into a running shootout with the superhuman guy as he stalked us like Jasoon Voorhees, while dumping fully-automatic ammunition at us. We sprinted away from him with bullets streaming in on us from behind, showers of debris blasting off all around us from those shots which missed us by mere inches and a few lucky steps. It was all very intense; ducking and dodging around obstacles while scrambling down the city street. There was one time, specifically, that I rolled up and over some wood and metal-pipe structure, and the detailed sound of how the wood planks and metal reacted to the bullets that rained in behind me really sticks out in my head.

Somewhere along this foot chase, my partner was shot and killed, and I was instantly devastated. I tried to hook back around and check her, but this guy just kept stalking toward me, constantly firing - still keeping up, somehow, even though I was running and he was walking. It was like being chased by a tank. I believe I only had a pistol at this time, but I'm not too sure. (My notes on this dream are actually out in the truck, so I'll get them later and confirm whether or not I noted anything about only having a pistol. :P) I had to keep going, so I continued to run, getting hit by a passing car, at some point, rolling over the hood and crashing to the ground on my stomach. I was really all that hurt, though, so I got up and kept running.

Suddenly, I was back in the school, so was my partner, and so was the senior officer. It was like deja vu, though. The guy flipped out and turned on us, chased out in the street and killed my partner. Seconds later, I was back again, reliving the whole thing for a third time. I began to catch on to this, though, and started questioning how strange this was that all of this horrible shit was happening. Then, as soon as I started piecing together that none of this was real, the senior officer takes off his mangled mask and says something like "Gotcha! This is all part of a t.v. show. Your friend set you up!" (I had been watching Scare Tactics before bed. Haha. I love that show.)

A camera crew instantly came into view, and I could only stand there; eyes wide open in shock. My partner was apparently the one who set me up, and she was grinning from ear to ear. All of the bullets were supposedly blanks (which I, just now - at the time of writing this journal entry - realize doesn't make any sense, because of how vividly I remember the sound of the bullets ricocheting all around us. Damn dream logic trying to pull a fast one on me. Lol.) Basically, the whole thing was faked and, after I got over the initial shock of it all, we all had a good laugh about it. All was well.

[Edit: (I went through my work papers and found the notes that I scribbled down for this dream. I completely forgot to add this part but, after reading it I remember it again...)

At some point in this dream, my partner and I were in some tall, ancient building. I think it was the fact that I didn't remember running on the walls, in a previous dream, that sparked this - but I remember her hanging back, while I had to do a Prince of Persia-type wall-run in full SWAT gear. There was a huge pit and I had to run across the wall to get to a rope that was hanging down from the ceiling. Once I got on the rope it slowly descended with my weight - as if it was on a pulley or something - and dropped me to a lower platform. There, I had to hit a switch and then climb back up the rope, then swing back and forth on it to build up momentum. I jumped off during an upswing, wall-ran across the gap again, and finally landed back to the ledge where my partner was waiting. ]

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