Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Scooby's Labyrinth" - 02/13/2007 (Lucid)

“Scooby’s Labyrinth”

The first thing I remember is being in some scenario built around the movie Pan’s Labyrinth. I had been talking to a young girl, who stood with her hands on her hips and, through the hole between her arm and torso, I saw the Faun creature, from the movie, looking back at me. The beginning of our actual interaction is a blur, but I remember soon ascending the spiral well/staircase from the movie.

From there, the Faun revealed himself to be evil and grew to about 15 feet tall. He, then, trapped me in the dungeon of what was now a castle, along with a few other people. While imprisoned in the cell, we tried to devise a plan to kill the Faun, but we didn’t have any way to lure him close enough to the cell in order to kill him by smashing him with a huge stone, which was loose, in the ceiling above us. It was right around here that I realized I was dreaming, but this part is still kind of hazy, as far the details are concerned. After gaining lucidity, I’m pretty sure that I just walked straight through the bars of the cell and called out to the Faun, to come chase me. He came thundering after me. (I distinctly remember how heavy his “hooves” were, on the ground, which made him seem even bigger than he was.) When he got under the stone, which was now, somehow, tied to a rope that was held by the people still inside the cell, the prisoners yanked it loose and the heavy stone fell, crushing the Faun's head. Fully-aware that I was dreaming, I didn’t even bother to go back and help the prisoners. I just ran toward the daylight, which I could see, illuminating the far end of the hallway.

When I got outside, I suddenly stepped into the island party atmosphere from the Scooby-Doo movie. The characters from the movie were even there. We were all in an alcove, surrounded on all sides by a rocky wall that was about 20 feet high, and there was a pool in the center of the alcove party. I didn’t pay any attention to the Scooby DC’s and wanted to see what was on the other side of the wall. So, I, first, tried to jump high enough to see over the top of it, but I could only get about a dozen feet off the ground, before floating to a landing. I tried this, a couple more times, with no success, so I figured the best thing to do would be to just climb it. Before trying to scale the wall, I looked at my hands to ground myself. When I looked at the front of my left hand, I had no fingers, at all - just the stump of my palm. I turned the hand around and saw that all my fingers were actually twisted backward and kind of coiled around each other. When I turned the hand back over, they were all back to normal.

I started climbing the wall, like a rock climber, but once I got about halfway up, there were no other hand-holes, and the wall face was pretty much flat, from there on up. To get passed this, all I did was look away from the spot where I wanted to put my hand, imagine there was a ledge big enough to hold onto and, when I looked back, the wall face had changed, the way I’d pictured. I did this about 3 times and was able to get to the top.

At the top, I saw that I was on the edge of a highway, looking at the road from over the top of the guardrail. The only thing poking over the top was my head, and when I saw a police Corvette coming closer, I ducked down a little bit lower. (Don’t ask me why.) I hoped the cop would just pass on by but, of course, he didn’t. He started slowing down, just as he was about to pass me. My lucidity wasn’t all that strong, and I was beginning to get worried about what kind of trouble I was going to have to deal with, with this cop character. The second I started thinking this, about 3 more police Corvettes (with flashy, silver rims, no less. Lol) pulled up, from all different directions - all, obviously, zeroed in on me.

I was thinking “SHIT, I need to get out of here,” when, suddenly, another car pulled up. It was a blue and white Lamborghini, but not a model that I can say I’ve ever seen before (or that actually exists). It skidded to a stop, between me and the three cop cars, a random guy leaning his head out the window and telling me to get in. I jumped in the backseat - no questions asked. (Yes, it was a four-door Lambo, but it gets weirder...)

Inside the car, there were actually three rows of seats – the front; middle; which was empty, and I sat in back. The driver and passenger of the car were these futuristic cops, or something, and they reminded me of the two cops from Jet Li’s movie: The One, (Delroy Lindo and Jason Statham), except that the passenger was Hispanic, and not black (though he was very dark). They were both around my age, also.

The passenger was briefing me about something to do with why the cops were chasing me, and started point out some futuristic gadgetry that the car had. I remember that I didn’t hear a single word the guy said because the only thing I was thinking about was how much I wanted to drive the car. Lol. Without even bringing it up in conversation, I simply willed the car to stop, got out of the backseat and climbed in the front. By that time, both men had simply disappeared. The last thing I remember is speeding down the highway in this badass car. (My notes also say that there was something having to do with a “Store,” after that, but I don’t remember what the hell that meant.)

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