Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"The Schoolyard" - 01/02/2007 (Lucid)

"The Schoolyard"

I showed up to school, apparently after having smoked some MJ, and I was sitting in the back, trying to keep a low profile. I didn’t actually want to be high, and I could tell I probably looked it. I went to the closet, in the back of the class (which was actually my old bedroom closet) and started rummaging around for something to speed me up, like an energy pill. I found one of those “brain stimulants,” that are supposed to make your mind more sharp or whatever, and popped one of those in my mouth, then went back to my seat and tried to stay under the radar. We all had computers at our desks, and someone sent me a message that showed a video surveillance feed that was watching my desk from behind. They obviously didn’t want me to know who it was, though. After class, I stayed behind, looking for the camera. When I found it, I followed the wiring all the way around to an empty desk. I didn’t know who was sitting there, during class, so I decided to snoop around on the computer they were using, checking the Net history. I found a forum called “Jackson Forums” and, seeing this, I remembered exactly who was sitting in the seat – a fellow member of the Dream Views forums, named "U.M.". He was trying to show me that he had some sort of proof of my deviant behavior, and that he was going to hold it over my head, for blackmail of some sort.

Leaving the classroom and going through the hallways, I grabbed a tape recorder out of my locker, just in case I saw him again. I ended up going to the restroom, and he also walked in, not long behind me. We were the only ones in there and, while I was in the stall, he just started talking; spouting off about how he had dirt on me and how - unless I did something advantageous to him, like drop out of class; etc. - he’d give it to our teacher. He didn’t know that I was recording his confession, the whole time he was talking. Finally, I heard him leave the bathroom and I put the recorder away, figuring that I’d just wait for the right time to exact my revenge. Later, there was a massive buffet in the cafeteria. I don’t remember much about this part, but I grabbed so much food that I literally had stuff falling off my plate. Lol.

The dream skipped ahead, and I was in a college dorm. My friend T was there. We kept playing pranks on each other, all night, and were having a ball at it. Finally, out of nowhere, while we were just randomly joking around, I realized that I was dreaming. Just to prove to myself that I was, I focused on T and levitated him with my mind. We both had a good laugh about it. Then, continuing the game, he stole my camera, directly from me. (It wasn’t even a camera that I actually have.) I forgot how he did it, but it revealed that he had powers too, just like I did in the dream. Instead of actually going to look for it, though, I set the intention that it would be sitting right behind me and, when I turned around, there it was.

Another fast forward - and we were all in the auditorium, watching some kind of show, though I don’t remember anything about it. We got word that something was going on, outside, so a very large group of us went out to check. The fence surrounding the grounds of this expansive 'college' campus was huge and heavy, with 3 large slabs of metal as the gate. Since I was still lucid, I grabbed the slabs, telekinetically, and moved them off to the side. We continued through, to the courtyard. There was another group of people out there, led by some villain-character. They all had powers - just I had - and, by now, I’d learned that only some people in my group had them. I was, obviously, the only person that had no idea what was going on, because they all started shouting at each other, as if they were rival gangs. Things heated up and, before I knew it, all of my “friends” and the other group were running toward each other. A brawl was about to start, and I was pretty sure that my side, as a whole, were at a disadvantage. I ran to the front-right corner of my group and turned, looking at the space between the two converging masses. Focusing, I imagined a wall of telekinetic energy sliding out in front of me between the two factions. I could tell that things were going to get bad, and I wanted to do what I could to stop it before it got out of hand. Before anyone was able to clash, everyone stopped, suddenly - the invisible wall having taken effect.

In immediate retaliation, the main villain swooped down and began to attack me, and so I had to drop my focus on the telekinetic wall, in order to fight him. I don’t remember much of the fight, though.

Sometime during the skirmish, I had lost my lucidity. People were retreating back into the college-ish building, which had that old-time architecture, and I eventually followed. By the time I'd gotten back inside, I was split from my group, and I asked the lady at the front desk where they’d gone. She pointed me in one direction and I started going down this maze of hallways that began to twist and distort, surreally. I looked into one room, from the hall, and I could see a burning fireplace, with human heads - on skewers - roasting inside of it, which was....weird.

Continuing on, I came to a door that was too small to get into. It opened from the other side, unassisted, and I could see that it was a panel that was positioned beneath someone’s seat, in the auditorium, and I couldn’t continue that way without disrupting whatever was going on, in there. I turned and found another room, which was dark. For no reason at all, I realized I was dreaming again. I tried to flip the light switch with my mind. It inched slowly and reluctantly over, and flipped to the opposite position, but no lights came on. I then tried to blink my eyes and make the lights just be "on" when I opened them, but (being the terrible impulse that it was), I ended up opening my real eyes and waking up.

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