Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"To Catch a Griffin" - 07/29/2017 (Lucid)

“To Catch a Griffin”
Dream #3
*Original artwork, based on dream*

(This was dream #3, during a night of slipping in and out of lucid dreams.)

I had already become lucid, in a previous dream, and the first thing I remember about this one is already having known I was dreaming, while exploring an old, medieval-looking village. For some time, I had been just roaming around, talking to people and taking in the environment. At some point, I came upon a chamber, which supposedly held some mystical and magical relics from the town. In it, I found a book, and I began flipping through it and experimenting with some of the spells inside. I eventually – and mistakenly - wound up releasing an enormous, reckless and destructive griffin upon the town. Having not really thought much of this new development, I just continued to roam about the town, while the griffin flew around, overhead, periodically diving down and smashing into some of the surrounding building, destroying village around me at its whim. 

Later, I had come upon a tavern or inn. It was in this location, that I was approached by some shady characters whom, then, took turns trying to attack me. I don’t remember much of my encounters with them, but I remember that they weren’t able to do very much to me, in my lucid state. Before long, they conceded in trying and told me that they were trying to assassinate me for having brought destruction upon their town, in the form of the griffin. Despite knowing that this was a dream, I felt slightly bad at having caused this chain of narrative events, so I decided to try to reconcile by taking down the griffin for them.

A few of the would-be assassins and I walked outside and looked across a stretch of land where large portions of stone and wooden buildings lay in ruins; the griffin circled about, over the destruction. I suppose I could have simply tried to “erase” the griffin but, instead, I decided to conjure up something to taken down with a little more…spectacle.

I held my hand up and focused on manifesting something that would be able to take the griffin down… A dragon came to mind. Seconds later, a dragon – just as big, if not bigger than the griffin – streaked into view, and the two of them began dog-fighting over the village. Aside from a few subtle gestures of control from me, the dragon acted pretty much on its own, and the people and I simply watched from the ground while the two fought. 

(I don’t remember the outcome of the battle, though.)

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