Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"With Friends Like These" - 01/25/2012 (Lucid)

"With Friends Like These..."

I was with a group of old friends, and a couple of people I don't recognize. I know J and M were there (old friends of mine - a failed couple), and it was weird to see them all buddy/buddy again. We were at someone's home, and one blonde girl in the group had been crying about something. Obviously something of a private issue, we'd gone into one of the rooms and she was telling me about what was going on, while I tried to console her. She leaned into me and I put an arm around her, just as some of our friends appeared in the doorway. Suddenly, one of the other girls in the group (though I can't remember who) seemed to get really jealous of the (completely innocent) attention I was giving this girl. She said something under her breath, like "oh, she's good..." turned around and walked off.

Later, we were all in some enormous mansion. Walking around, exploring the place, I had become slightly lucid. I specifically remember telling a couple of the girls to remember that this was a dream, in the off chance that they would remind me, should I forget. After some time, we found out that there were these huge guys in black coats walking around this mansion, who looked like Mr. X from the Resident Evil series. They were lumbering juggernauts, and were kind of creepy, in the way they just wandered about aimlessly. I ended up getting into a fight with one of them, in a hallway, where I did something of a 'fade-away' Hadouken blast, turning around while in motion and sliding backward, away from the monster, while shooting the beam of blue energy at him. While doing this, I happened to notice that I could see my reflection in the metal face of one of the double doors I'd just dashed through, surrounded by blue light as a fired away at him. I remember thinking about how it was such an amazing little detail that my mind threw in there. 

After doing some more exploring, it was revealed that this mansion was owned by a coven of vampires, who were attacking us around every other corner. I remember a small vampire boy biting me on the hand, but I sort of 'fortified' my hand by will, causing him to be unable to penetrate my skin with his fangs. A few more skirmishes followed, which I was handling without too much trouble, but I began to notice that the people in my group were starting to come up missing, one by one. Soon, it was just me. Curious as to just what might have happened to everyone, I set out on a search for them, eventually losing my lucidity. 

There was some kind of transition here, and I felt like I was just coming back to the mansion, after some extended period. The entire house was now covered in ice and snow. Some rooms and wings were completely shut off, as if it hadn't been lived in for decades. I was still searching for my friends, though, climbing through these icy corridors and removing blockades from places where it seemed no one had tread for ages. 

Finally, I walked into a large courtyard of sorts, enclosed in glass - something between an 'inside' and an 'outside' type of room, if that makes any sense - kind of an upscale back patio. It was very elegant, as was everything else in the mansion, and looked like it might be some aristocrat's den - There was well over a dozen vampires in here, and they were all just milling about, doing their own thing. A few of the males were sparring, and I then looked over toward a set of tables and chairs, seeing some of the females lounging around in white bathrobes. This looked more like a resort than a coven of vampires. It was then that I noticed that I recognized some of the females. They were the missing girls from my group. They seemed to recognize me at the same time. Immediately, I was lucid again, and I walked over to them, getting a few less-then-welcome glares from some of the other vamps in the room. The girls sauntered sexily up to me, smiling invitingly. They began telling me about great their new vamp lifestyles were, trying to seduce me into becoming 'one of them.' Even though I was aware that I was dreaming, I couldn't help but feel betrayed by them, as I had been really enjoying their company, earlier in the dream, and they'd just left me to search for them by myself. They tried to put me on a guilt trip for declining their offer to stay there with them as a vampire, but I told them that they were the ones at fault, for choosing to stay behind, and that I was gonna just go my own way for the rest of the dream. (Funny that, even though I was aware that it was a dream, I felt so betrayed by their having been lounging around here with the vamps while I wasted half of my dream searching for them. Lol.)

Inevitably, as these girls began to make me out to be the bad guy in this, the other vamps began circling in around me. Finally, the head vampire gave the order to have me killed. An enormous, absolutely insane fight ensued, where I took on this entire courtyard of vampires at once. (The action felt a lot like in the game Arkham Asylum, which I had been playing lately.) Everyone was basically just coming in at once and I had to pull off sick combos to take them all out, moving from opponent to opponent fluidly, cutting through their numbers so quick that they barely had time to gain any sort of upper-hand. During the fight, while near the large fireplace at the head of the room, I caught sight of a small box sitting atop the mantle. Showing a little ingenuity, I stuck my hand in the box, willing it to contain a bunch of stakes and other weapons, which I immediately used in battle, taking out the gang of undead attackers and causing the head vampire to finally take his shot against me. This dude was huge (and reminded me of Kingpin from the Daredevil movie). He swooped in toward me and, in a defensive reflex, I manifested a pistol into my hand, barely having enough time to swing the barrel up and shoot him in the leg, before he was standing directly in front of me. The shot obviously did nothing to him, and I was actually somewhat emboldened by his resilience. I remember muttering something to him like "Oh...a tough guy, eh?" We then had a short hand-to-hand battle. I don't remember much of it, but I know that I completely out-classed him. The very last thing I remember from the fight is grabbing him by the back of the head and shoving his face into the glass enclosure around the room, spider-webbing the glass with a loud crack. I don't remember actually killing him, though. 

The girls had stayed out of the fight, but were still obviously pissed at me. I was more than satisfied with the dream, though, and fearing I would forget many of the details, I told them that I was leaving them to go back to the real world, and that they could just stay 'down here' and be pissed, for all I care, traitorous bitches that they were. Lol. 

The very last thing I recall was looking out into the night, through the glass wall, and seeing some underwater lights moving around in a pond or pool, just outside, as if there were two people scuba-diving, out there in the winter cold. I then woke myself up.

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