Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Apocalypse Now" - 10/13/2008

"Apocalypse, Now"

(I really don't remember much of this one, which is a shame, because it was epic. I was working on a Photoshop project of one of my RP characters before bed, last night. He is an archangel, and I'd suppose it was a cross between that, and watching the movie Fallen, which inspired this dream.)

The first thing I remember is being in bed with some girl that looked kind of like N at work. We were both in our underwear and just kind of making out and groping each other. There were more people hanging out in the house, but it was late and everyone was winding down. I kept trying to work her into sex, but she just wasn't having it. After a while, I gave up and we just lay there. She was laying on her stomach and I was using her - quite large - ass for a pillow. Lol.

(This part is really fragmented but...) As we were going to sleep, the dream slipped away into some narrative about a certain wall that was in the house. The wall had all kinds of inscriptions in it, and there was fire-light seeping out from various holes all over it. I believe it actually explained the wall, in depth, but I'm not too sure. I do know that, soon enough, it was day time and we were all up and roaming around the house. We'd come across this wall and began exploring it. A couple of us actually found a way into the wall, which led to some crazy supernatural chamber - like a huge tomb buried under the house. One kid that went through the wall came out with the power to make himself invisible. I remember that more of us went in, and more of us came out with super-powers. I don't actually remember having one myself, though.

After finding out about the super-powers, the dream then shifted to show an Archangel who I came to identify as "Michael." (While going through Google Images for references, I came upon a cool picture called "The Archangel Michael.") My perspective followed this angel around for a while, and it became apparent that he was on the verge of kicking off the Apocalypse. I don't remember exactly how, but a large percentage of the world's population was given super-powers (I'm guessing through walls/chambers like the one we'd found), and this was all to lead into a huge battle between good and evil, with super-humans on both sides of the lines. Many of us were still human, though, and this battle began consuming everything. My perspective went back into my own body, and those of us that were hanging out at the house had come outside, just as the battle was sweeping in and destroying the neighborhood. We took up shelter in the garage and watched. I remember finding a gun and keeping it with me, just in case we had to end up going into the fray. Those of us with super-powers ended up jumping in, on their own.

The scene outside the house was the one thing I remember more than anything else about the dream: watching from the garage, we saw hordes of super-powered humans swarming in and just obliterating everything. A "Human Torch" type character flew in and landed on the drive-way, throwing flames at some of the others. A telekinetic picked up a neighbor's van with his mind and slung in through the air, crushing another person. Men and women with an array of powers were just slugging it out in front of us, and it was all-out destruction with no winning side in sight. Suddenly, there a huge white flash in the sky which completely dominated the battle. Almost everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up. The archangel had appeared, floating slowly toward the street, with a presence that seemed to dwarf all of the fighters, collectively. I don't remember what happened after he showed up, though.

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